Michael Barnett-Cowan
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: psychophysics, sensory assessment, virtual reality, motion simulation, eye and head movement, brain imaging and stimulation (EEG/ERP, TMS,tDCS), aging
Kaylena Ehgoetz Martens
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Aging and neurodegeneration movement disorders; gait kinematics; neuropsychology and neurocognitive assessment; mood, emotion and cognition; fear, threat, anxiety and depression; virtual reality
Sheereen Harris
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Exercise and health psychology; health behaviour change; behavioural science; mental fatigue; motivation, ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
Bill McIlroy
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Content expertise - neuroscience, balance and gait, exercise, neurologic disorders, aging.
Experimental tools / technologies - electroencephalography, electromyography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, magnetic resonance imaging, peripheral nerve stimulation, galvanic skin measurement, eye-tracker, motion analysis, kinetic measurement, wearable sensor technology.
Sean Meehan
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Motor control, motor learning, neurologic disorders
Laura Middleton
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Physical activity and aging, dementia, prevention of dementia, social inclusion of dementia, motor disorders, physical activity tracking and assessment, neurocognitive assessment, electroencephalography
Ewa Niechwiej-Szwedo
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: Teaching - visuomotor control: eye movements, hand-eye coordination, binocular vision: depth perception, stereopsis, visual and motor development, motor learning.
Tools and technologies - eye tracking, limb tracking, psychophysics.
W. Richard Staines
Specialization: Neuroscience
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies: neuroscience, attention, neurologic disorders.