Tyson Beach

Tyson Beach

Contact information

Office: BMH 1052

Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 40514

Email: tyson.beach@uwaterloo.ca


Teaching and research interests

From a basic science perspective, I study the biomechanics of movement coordination, control, and musculoskeletal injury. My applied research focuses on movement screening, assessment, and training for health and performance. I also collaborate with other knowledge producers (researchers) and users (practitioners) to design, implement, and evaluate physical activity and exercise programs for workers and athletes.


KIN 121: Biomechanics of Human Activity

KIN 204: Movement Assessment and Exercise Prescription

KIN 655: Theory and Practice of Movement Assessment


BSc, University of Guelph

MSc, University of Waterloo

PhD, University of Waterloo

Selected Publications

See Google Scholar for full list of publications.