Contact information
Office: BMH 1109
Phone: 519-888-4567, ext. 47925
Research interests
Intraymyocellular lipids (IMCL) are elevated in obese individuals and this has been related to insulin resistance; however, IMCL are also elevated in athletes who are highly insulin sensitive. In my basic research program I am interested in examining whether differences in the localization of IMCL within the muscle fibre and/or co-location of IMCL with mitochondria are related to differences in insulin sensitivity and fat metabolism to better our understanding of the physiological and pathological role of IMCL. I also examine whether there are differences in these relationships between the sexes.
In my clinical research program I test the effects of exercise and nutrition strategies on muscle metabolism, insulin sensitivity and muscle mass, strength and function in pre-diabetic and older populations to help prevent the development of type II diabetes and sarcopenia.
Graduate supervision and student opportunities
- Research volunteer
- Undergraduate thesis
- MSc thesis
- Coursework interns
- PhD thesis
- Postdoctoral fellowship
Please email me to discuss current available opportunities.
Graduate studies application details
Teaching, expertise, tools and technologies
- Skeletal muscle metabolism
- Sex-based differences in metabolism
- Exercise physiology
- Human nutrition and metabolism
- Aging and sarcopenia
- Insulin sensitivity
- Electron microscopy
KIN 205: Muscle Physiology in Exercise and Work
BSc Human Kinetics with a Minor in Nutrition (with Honours), University of Guelph
PhD Medical Sciences: Cell Biology and Metabolism, McMaster University
Postdoctoral Fellowship Kinesiology, McMaster University
Selected publications
See Google Scholar for full list of publications.