Dana Porter Library, first floor
University of Waterloo Library
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x42619 or x42445
Library Newsletter, Vol. 26, No. 4, November 1995
Anthropologist's Papers and Working Library
Donated to the UW Library
The University of Waterloo Library is pleased to announce that it has acquired the archives and working library of the late Dr. Sally Weaver.
Dr. Sally Weaver had been a faculty member in the Department of Anthropology from 1966 until her death in 1993, and had been described as one of Canada's leading anthropologists. She served for several years as the Department's Chair. During her career at UW, Dr. Weaver was a respected scholar, recipient of several awards and grants, and author of numerous books, articles, and research papers. Shortly before her death, the Weaver-Tremblay Award in Canadian Applied Anthropology was announced in honour of her work and that of Marc-Adélard Tremblay of Université Laval. The award will be given to recognize distinguished work both by academically-based and practising anthropologists.
Working with the assistance and support of Dr. David Weaver and Dr. Tom Abler, library staff have completed the initial processing and listing of the over 1,000 books and 70 cubic feet of archival material which make up the first part of the donation. The collection was certified as Canadian Cultural Property in 1994, a testimony to the scholarly and historical value of the collection.
Dr. Weaver's voluminous professional archives reflect the complete range of her scholarly endeavours beginning with her earliest monograph, Medicine and Politics among the Grand River Iroquois, in 1972. From these beginnings, she went on to study indigenous populations in Australia and Norway. One of her other important works, compiled with the assistance of an SSHRC grant held jointly with fellow faculty member Dr. Tom Abler and D. E. Sanders, was A Canadian Indian Bibliography 1960-1970 (University of Toronto Press) in 1974.
The archival portions of her papers include a wide range of government publications, correspondence, theses, research papers, and journal articles all of which were read by Dr. Weaver with careful attention as is witnessed by the detailed annotations, comments, and questions filling the margins of these pages.
The books and published materials in Dr. Weaver's working library also reflect this care and attention to detail. A large number of these are heavily annotated and interleaved with notes and, when combined with her archives, reveal the mechanics and methodology of a superb researcher. While many of her books will be added to the Library's general collection, a large number will be included in the collections in the Doris Lewis Rare Book Room as they add to and complement her archives so effectively.

Included in all of Dr. Weaver's books will be a specially prepared bookplate designed by Woodland's Museum Director and native artist Tom Hill. The bookplate, seen above, includes a photograph of a wampum belt, "Woman with a Heart," a reflection of Dr. Weaver's lifetime determination and dedication to promote justice and recognition for Indigenous Peoples.
The collection, while open for research, is still being processed. However, library staff are available to assist those interested in using and building upon the fine tradition of scholarship and knowledge represented in these papers.
For more information contact Special Collections & Archives.