Department health and safety manual

This manual is provided to all “members” of the Management Sciences Department. “Members” include all MSci faculty, staff, students (undergraduate and graduate), postdoctoral fellows, research personnel, work term placements, volunteers, and visitors (paid or unpaid).

The information in this manual will include health and safety policies and procedures for safe practices in research and teaching labs, classrooms, and general office environment.
It is expected that all “members” read and understand the information in this document with regard to laboratory safety and emergency procedures.

All members are required to read this manual in its entirety and sign the safety manual acknowledgement form (PDF) acknowledging that they understand these regulations and will comply with them.

This manual is also available to download in PDF format:

Management Science and Engineering Department Health and Safety Manual - September 2023 (PDF)

Pages included in this manual: First aid | Fire/evacuation emergency procedures | Emergency procedures | Mandatory safety training | General safety | Laboratory safety | Safety training for undergraduate students | Teaching assistants working in teaching laboratories | Students on unpaid work placements | Safety procedures for persons working in research laboratories | Visiting researchers/scientists | Field work risk management | Responsibilities | University safety committees

Below you will find: Emergency contact information | First aid contacts | Laboratory listings

Emergency contact information
Emergency contact Phone/extension


UW police External 519-888-4911
Internal 22222

Health services/first aid

Fall/winter term:
Monday – Thursday 8:30AM – 7:30PM, Friday 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Spring term:
Monday – Friday 8:30AM – 5:00PM
External 519-888-4096
Internal 84096
Spill control External 519-888-4911
Internal 22222
Poisoning/overdose information External 1-800-268-9017
Plant operations 33793
Director of safety - Kate Windsor 35814

Safety office


MSci health and safety coordinator - Zivojin Pantic CPH 4320


Administrative officer - Louise Green CPH 4301B 32150
Department chair - Mark Hancock (Interim Chair) CPH 4301C 35907

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First aid contacts
Contact Extension
Louise Green 32150
Rosalind Klein 34410
Zivojin Pantic 43836

All department telephones should have a yellow emergency sticker affixed to them. If you see an MSci phone without a sticker, please notify the administrative officer.

Laboratory listing and contacts
Laboratory  Room Supervisor/contact
Management Engineering Undergraduate Laboratory CPH 1324A Ken McKay
Touchlab CPH 3641/3643 Mark Hancock
Waterloo Optimization Lab - WatOpt CPH 3609/3612 Samir Elhedhli / Fatma Gzara
Uncertainty Management Lab CPH 4366 Frank Safayeni / Rob Duimering
Natural Language Processing Lab CPH 4365 Olga Vechtomova
Information Retrieval Lab CPH 4363 Mark Smucker
Data Science Lab CPH 4359 Lukasz Golab
WatMIMS Lab CPH 4341 Jim Bookbinder
Undergraduate Computer Lab CPH 4331 Zivojin Pantic

Laboratory supervisors/contacts are responsible for their labs and to ensure that all safety guidelines are being followed by anyone they have given permission to have access to their labs.

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