
We are pleased to invite you to attend the Department of Management Science and Engineering seminar series in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo!

Our seminar series often accommodates a variety of talks such as research-oriented, Ph.D. student, and practitioner-oriented talks. Topics in the series include, among other, energy systems, optimisation, logistics and supply chain, healthcare, information and communications technologies, and socio-technical systems.

The audience, usually 15-25 in size, is primarily composed of faculty and graduate students from the Department of Management Science and Engineering, although other faculty, students and industrial professionals frequently attend.

Visit our Events page for a full listing of upcoming seminars, and details. 

Seminars for 2024

Seminars are typically held on Mondays from 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. in CPH 4335, unless otherwise noted.

Date Speaker Affiliation  Seminar Notice Title

September 24th


Conrad Rooms E7 (2317 + 2357)

Dr. Su Jung Jee Sheffield University From catch-up to frontier:  The utility model as a learning device to escape the middle-income trap

July 19th


Faculty Hall E7

Dr. Arka Roy

Alvarez College of Business Notice Uncertainty management in radiotherapy via AI & optimization

February 21st 


Faculty Hall E7

Professor Max Z. Li University of Michigan Notice  Uncertainties in the airspace: from distributionally robust air traffic flow management to stochastic routing problems for drone package delivery systems

This schedule may change due to unforeseen reasons.

View our seminar archives to view a listing of seminars held in previous years.