Master core technical management skills
The Master of Management Sciences – Master of Technology program (MMSc-MOT) program requires the completion of eight courses: six (6) core courses on management topics, and two (2) electives focused on your specific career goals or technical skills.
The six core courses provide students with the broad managerial foundation necessary to achieve a position in technical management and set them up for success. Each course provides the student with applicable insights on how to employ their background in quantitative analysis to lead teams, manage risk, and overcome organizational challenges.
Most online MMSc-MOT students complete one course per term on a part-time basis. The entire program is typically completed within two and a half years, with each course requiring on average 12-15 hours of dedicated study each week.
Learning Outcomes
In the MMSc-MOT program, you will:
- Develop the technology and management skills required to successfully share ideas, manage a team, and engage in management-level conversations with executives and peers.
- Empower yourself by strengthening your reputation as a credible and competent management or leadership candidate, backed by the knowledge needed to step into the role of manager with confidence and your proud association with a world-leading institution and its network of esteemed graduates.
- Solve management-level problems using scientific and analytical methods for managing organizations.

Develop Your Technology and Management Skills
MSCI 602 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
This course includes: integrating technology and business strategy; design and evolution of technology strategy; development of the firm's innovative capabilities; creating and implementing systems for innovation; innovation challenges in established firms. In addition to a textbook, cases are used to add realism and context to this course. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
MSCI 605 Organizational Behaviour
Introduction to the concepts of learning, person perception, attitudes and motivation in an organization. Addresses cognitive, emotional and behavioural capabilities so students will become effective leaders. Consideration of communication, roles, norms and decision-making within a team. Discussion of power, control, leadership and management in light of the above concepts. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Empower Yourself to Manage Teams with Confidence
MSCI 606 Foundations of Senior Management
The course provides a comprehensive background in the management principles needed to effectively enhance interpersonal skills, evaluate organizational performance and apply organizational functioning. In order to provide this broad background, the subject areas that make up this course include: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Organizational Behaviour, Management, Information Systems, Production and Operations Management and Marketing. Key objectives of the course include (1) to enable confident interactions with functional specialists, (2) to provide tools for the evaluation of organizational performance and (3) to enhance appreciation for the contributions and applications of management theories to organizations. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
MSCI 607 Applied Economics for Management
This course will examine economic concepts that are useful to management from decisions about proposed investments in process changes or product modifications to strategic considerations for the firm. Topics will include: techniques for financial evaluation of proposed investments; incorporating risk into evaluations; basic concepts from game theory; theory of demand; production functions; cost functions; competitive markets; other market structures. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
Solve Management Problems with Technical Innovation
MSCI 603 Principles of Operations Research
This course surveys a spectrum of models and techniques in Operations Research with an emphasis on applications. Students will develop skills in modeling, the interpretation of results, sensitivity analysis and computer implementations of decision support systems. The use of quantitative models in different levels of the decision-making hierarchy are illustrated through case studies and readings from the Management Sciences literature. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
MSCI 609 Quantitative Data Analysis for Management Sciences
Descriptive statistics and probability concepts; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling methods and the central limit theorem; estimation and confidence intervals; inference and hypothesis testing; linear regression and correlation; multiple regression and model building.
Elective Courses
In addition to the core curriculum on management skills, all students must complete two (2) elective courses, which are usually geared towards their personal career goals.
MSE 752 Behavioural Decision-Making
Course ID: 016128
This course introduces graduate students to theories, ideas, and findings in behavioural decision-making research. Although normative theories of judgment and decision-making will be discussed, the main focus of this course will be descriptive theories. The readings are selected to introduce students to a variety of issues dealing with judgment and decision-making in psychology and economics as well as other business disciplines such as marketing, finance, organizational behaviour and operations management. Possible topics will include decision-making under risk and ambiguity, emotions and decision-making, intuition vs. deliberation, and intertemporal choice. Priority may be given to Management Sciences students.
MSE 744 Science & Technology Policy
Course ID: 014931
Science and Technology are increasingly viewed as important tools to promote the social, economic, and political goals of modern economies. Accordingly, science and technology (S&T) policy issues have assumed prominence in contemporary policy discourse. Firms are often operated under different policy environments and their strategies should be formulated under the various environments. This course provides students with the background and tools needed to critically evaluate issues in S&T policy debates. After reviewing the basics of science and technology policy, we will discuss a few instruments of S&T policy, e.g., intellectual property rights, tax and subsidy, public funding for research, and prizes. Throughout the course, we will integrate the theoretical discussions with cases of contemporary S&T policy issues. Previous study of economics is required, such as MSCI 607.
MSE 651 International Project Management
Course ID: 014234
This course will provide students with an understanding of Project Management Fundamentals while allowing them to gain practical experience of International Project Management and Development in a live practical project. Topics covered include: Project Management Methodologies, Project Manager's Role, Managing Project Stakeholders, Scope, Quality and teams; Project Risk Management, Procurement, Leadership, and Ethics.

“One of the best decisions I've made is enrolling in this program. It's helping me in my roles right now, dealing with management conversations. I'm very fluent in sharing ideas learned through the program. Management gets highly impressed by the ideas. Everything has been amazing so far. They exactly met my expectations. They had more biz, innovation, and technology content which was my initial objective.”
- Hassan Hamid, Senior Technical Project Manager, Qualys. Class Of 2024.
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