Welcome to our ONLINE Mechatronics Engineering Capstone Design Symposium Showcase!
Our thirteenth annual Mechatronics Engineering Capstone Design Symposium was canceled the day of the symposium due to the spread of Covid-19 concerns.
This exciting event provides our final-year student teams an opportunity to showcase their design projects to the general public, to industry partners and sponsors, and to the university community.
The students have worked hard from conceptualization to finished product and are being judged on a variety of skills. Their end-to-end process included identifying needs, creating solutions and designs to address a variety of challenging problems in diverse areas including: advanced manufacturing and rapid prototyping, assistive robotics, virtual reality, transportation, and green energy. They demonstrated their competence in applying the knowledge and skills acquired over the course of their undergraduate academic and co-operative work terms.

This is also a major component in our continuous improvement plan for the Mechatronics Engineering program, a plan for providing the best possible education experience for our students. The enthusiasm with which these teams present their work should be evident, and attests to the effort and teamwork that they have put into their projects over the past eight months.
We invite you to admire the presentation documents and prototypes online, and check out each team’s websites. When you are inspired and excited by the students’ work, feel free to suggest other design project challenges and opportunities to us by contacting Dana Gies, dgies@uwaterloo.ca and to find out more follow us uwaterloo.ca/mechanical-mechatronics-engineering/
We are proud of our Mechatronics students, and are grateful to our esteemed Mechatronics Professors and Administration, and to the companies and people who help educate our students in the Co-operative program, and to the kindness of our sponsors of this event.
Watch the project videos on Waterloo Engineering YouTube Channel