Degree Requirements

In order to receive your degree, you must complete all your specific program degree requirements published in the GSPA Academic Calendar. Be aware of the important dates as posted in GSPA calendar and use the Engineering degree completion deadlines as guidance. 

Visit the Engineering program Guidelines to find information about Engineering Degree requirements, Degree Completion deadlines and steps to graduate.   

For graduate petitions and & student issues refer to the appropriate policy. 

When student's have completed all their degree requirements they should Apply to Graduate through Quest. Student's will need to select the expected graduation term. Please select the term in which you expect all your degree requirements to be met. 

Degree Requirements  

For a complete list of your program's degree requirements, consult the GSPA Graduate Academic Calendar . 

For MEng, MASc and PhD students: 

  • MME Courses: Each candidate must successfully complete a certain number of graduate courses according to the program (600 or 700 level).  

  • MME Seminars

For MASc and PhD Students: 

  • MME Graduate Safety Milestone: The Safety Training is a degree requirement and must be completed by the end of the student's second registered term. Your supervisor is aware of this policy. This course has 2 parts: online and in-class. The online portion must be completed BEFORE attending the in-class portion.  

For MASc Students: 

  • Engineering MASc Thesis: Candidates are requested to give advance notice of their intention to submit a thesis approximately three months prior to submission. Follow the steps to MASc Degree completion ,  and be aware of the degree Completion Deadlines .  

For PhD Students: 

Engineering PhD Thesis

The thesis topic is decided by the student and supervisor(s), in consultation with an advisory committee. The proposed research program is also examined during the Comprehensive Examination. Follow the steps to PhD Degree completion and be aware of the degree Completion Deadlines .   

Engineering PhD Comprehensive Examination 

The comprehensive examination should be conducted about one year in advance but no later than sixteen months after the student has been admitted to the PhD program.  

In preparation for this examination candidates will submit a written research proposal which consists of a double-spaced report of no more than 50 pages including tables, diagrams, and references.  

Find out how what you need to include in your research report, evaluation, and more on Engineering’s website.