Students enrolled in the Master of Engineering (MEng) program will have the option to work towards a specialization that will be conferred when they reach the end of their degree. Students will take these specialized courses to deepen their knowledge in a specific area and help them gain the skills they need to support them toward their interests or career path. Each specialization requirement can be found in the academic calendar.
The following specializations are new additions and are coming soon to the MEng program. They are expected to appear in the graduate studies academic calendar by Fall 2025.
The following specializations are available:
Building Systems
For students wishing to develop knowledge and skills relevant to mechanical engineering aspects of building engineering, including thermal analysis, HVAC systems, energy efficiency, and fire safety.
Materials and Advanced Manufacturing
This specialization focuses on the fundamentals and applications of advanced materials and metallurgy, materials characterization and testing methods, and traditional and emerging manufacturing processes.
Mechatronic Systems
An interdisciplinary specialization that integrates advanced concepts of mechanical and electrical engineering systems with a focus on robotics, control, computational intelligence, and data fusion.
Sustainable Energy
For students wishing to develop knowledge and skills relevant to the design and analysis of sustainable energy systems, including advanced thermodynamic analysis, environmental impacts, energy conservation, and renewable energy technologies.
Students must complete the course requirements listed below in addition to the graduate calendar
A Graduate Specialization is a University credential that is recognized on a student’s transcript but not on a diploma. A student will only receive this distinction on their transcript if they complete all of the requirements associated with the specialization.
All MEng Graduate Specializations within the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering consist of at least 4 (0.50 weight) graduate-level courses. There will be compulsory courses that students will be required to take as part of their chosen specialization and electives that students can choose based on their own interests.
For MEng students who have been enrolled prior to Spring 2025:
Current MEng students pursuing the Green Energy Specialization will not be affected by these changes. Current MEng students who satisfy the degree requirements of one of the new Graduate Specializations may obtain the Graduate Specialization by completing/submitting a program change form prior to degree completion.
Have any questions? Please email our MEng advisor here: