MME Clinic

Robot Lab

What is the MME Clinic?

The MME Clinic inspires better student learning through authentic engineering activites including hands-on, practical applications, and engagement with the community in a space where students can experience integration between topics, courses, and programs.

WATiMake is home to the MME Clinic. It is a MME undergraduate student facility equipped with rapid prototyping tools and equipment to encourage the integration of engineering design into class activities. WATiMAKE is located in the Douglas Wright Engineering (DWE) building in room 3508 and 3509. MME Clinic staff assist students with their projects and activities, develop new activities, provide instruction on safe use of equipment, and maintain the facility.

Getting Started

WATiMake is equipped for students to come in and work on prototypes, design projects, course activities, MME Clinic workshops, and more.

Students can sign up for MME Clinic activities through the WCONLINE booking system. To get started, register for an account.


Monday: 1:00pm - 4:30pm Thursday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Tuesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm Friday: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Wednesday: 8:30am - 4:30pm

Safety and Policies

Please familiarize yourself with the Safety Policy and User Policy before accessing our services. For more information about activities that were developed for these courses, please see our Activities page. The MME Clinic has also supporting programs and activities in partnership with Engineering Outreach

For more information about reserving WATiMake equipment or how students sign up for activities, please see our Bookings page.

Who is the Engineering Clinic team?

SolidWorks Certification Program

The University of Waterloo currently offers two exams from the SolidWorks Certification program: 

  • SolidWorks Certified Associate (CSWA)
  • SolidWorks Certified Professional (CSWP)

These are designations that demonstrate a user's proficiency of mechanical design using SolidWorks.

If you are interested in taking either the CSWA or CSWP exam, more information can be found in the 2024 SolidWorks Certification Presentation.

MME Clinic videos

Learn about the Mechatronics Design Studio, an accelerator for students completing their final year Capstone Design projects.