Booking Rules
Booking a time slot
Bookings can be made up to the day before the time slot.
Last-minute booking can only be made through a member of the MME Clinic team. Drop by WATiMake or email the MME Clinic team for help with a last-minute booking.
Changes or cancellations
Bookings can be changed or cancelled up to the day before the booked time slot.
To change or cancel a booking on the day of the booked appointment, please notify a member of the MME Clinic team as soon as possible to avoid a missed booking on your record. If you miss 3 booked time slots without prior notification, you will be automatically locked out of the WCOnline booking system. In order to unlock your account again, you must speak to the MME Clinic Coordinator.
If you are using WATiMake equipment and you find that you need to extend your booking, please speak to the MME Clinic team as soon as possible about extending your booking. If another user has the equipment booked while you are using the machine, the user with the booking will have priority and your work will be removed from the machine.
To sign up for MME Clinic course activities, book time on our equipment, or to make an appointment for the Mechatronics Equipment Surplus Supply (MESS), log into our WCOnline booking system and choose from the schedules available: