Training Requirements
All UW students and employees must complete mandatory health and safety training. Several important requirements are summarized below. Additional information is provided by the Safety Office.
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Undergraduate Students
Undergraduate students in MME must complete safety training during the first few weeks of each academic term. The specific training requirements will be conveyed by the department each term.
Where training is incomplete, students may be restricted from participating in certain activities (e.g. lab sessions) and academic penalties may be applied.
MEng Students
MEng students in MME must complete the following training within the first 4 weeks of their first term of enrolment:
Students must provide verification that this training has been completed as indicated by the department each term.
Where training is incomplete, students may be restricted from participating in certain activities (e.g. lab sessions) and academic penalties may be applied.
MASc and PhD Students
MASc and PhD students in MME must complete the mandatory training requirements of UW employees (see below) and the following:
Students must complete this training within the first 4 weeks of their first term of enrolment, and before they are provided with keys/fobs to access offices/laboratories as applicable. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that training requirements are completed.
Each employee must complete mandatory health and safety training as indicated by the Safety Office, including:
- Employee Safety Orientation (SO1001)
- WHMIS 2015 (SO2017)
- Workplace Violence Awareness (SO1081)
You must also complete any applicable hazard specific training as required by your supervisor. You must work carefully with your supervisor to determine required training as described by the Safety Office.
All supervisors must complete additional training, including:
- Supervisor Online Orientation (SO1100)
Supervisors working in higher risk areas (including laboratories and workshops) must complete additional training as indicated by the Safety Office.