Artemis founder and co-founder
Monday, June 3, 2024

MME co-founded startup raises $2 million in pre-seed funding for cleaner data

Artemis Data, co-founded by William Shi (BASc ’23, mechatronics engineering), has raised 2 million in pre-seed funding to make data cleaning 50 times faster than traditional methods.

According to an IBM study, data scientists spend upwards of 80 percent of their time cleaning and organizing data—something Artemis can help streamline.

Shi and his co-founder have been friends since middle school and reconnected ahead of the Collision Conference, where Gray was actually presenting the idea behind Artemis, and Shi wanted to help build the product. This led to the pair scrapping together a quick demo of what the software could look like for the conference presentation and encouraged the friends to keep building now that they had something tangible in hand. This led to being able to onboard customers, and essentially, Shi had a full-time job while he was finishing his studies.

Shi has a natural curiosity about how things work and has always wanted to start his own company, which blends his interests and strengths. Learn more about this story in Waterloo News.