On Saturday February 7th, about 4oo children aged 9-14 years old participated in the FIRST LEGO League West Provincial Championship hosted by the University of Waterloo. The winners of this event represent Ontario at the World Championship in Detroit from April 29-May 2.
The children spent twelve weeks developing their robots using the LEGO Mindstorm kits. More than 40 teams came from all over western Ontario to take place in the championship.
“This event is the pinnacle of the season for these children and having it here on UW’s campus just shows the commitment that Waterloo Engineering has to STEM and youth”, says Dave Ellis, Director of FIRST LEGO League Ontario. “It’s so exciting to see these youth so engaged and the sky is the limit for what they can accomplish”, says Ellis.

RoboHub’s Booth: Marie Charbonneau, Robert Wagner, Sagar Rajendran (MME Student)