Monday, March 7, 2016

On March 7, Dr. Ian Nicholson (CMHR Executive Director) and Ivana Lizdek (senior Clinical Psychology doctoral student pictured above) met with representatives of Health Canada. The representatives, led by Hillary Geller, Assistant Deputy Minister, Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety Branch were met as part of their tour in her new role as Champion to the University of Waterloo for postsecondary recruitment. Ms. Geller and her team were here to learn how Health Canada can work with relevant faculties and departments of the University to support their continued recruitment efforts.

Dr. Nicholson and Ms. Lizdek met with the representatives of Health Canada to discuss the model of psychology training in the CPA-accredited Clinical Psychology doctoral program at the University and the integration of both clinical training and research that occurs in that training.  According to Dr. Nicholson, “It is important for the representatives of this important federal ministry to understand and appreciate how psychologists graduating from our program are not only trained to provide top-level clinical service but also are trained to develop mental health programs and evaluate them”.

As part of the discussions, Dr. Nicholson emphasized mechanisms by which Health Canada can support the training of future psychologists. He also reinforced the valuable role of graduates of our accredited program in the development of innovative mental health treatment programs and their skills in consulting on the betterment of existing programs.

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