Friday, November 26, 2021 PhD candidate Brokoslaw Laschowski successfully defends his PhD thesis "Energetics and Control of Robotic Leg Prostheses and Exoskeletons" - Congratulations, Dr. Laschowski! Current students, Current undergraduate students, Current graduate students, Future students, Future undergraduate students, Future graduate students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Parents, Donors | Friends | Supporters, Employers, International, Media
Friday, November 26, 2021 PhD candidate Brokoslaw Laschowski successfully defends his PhD thesis "Energetics and Control of Robotic Leg Prostheses and Exoskeletons" - Congratulations, Dr. Laschowski! Current students, Current undergraduate students, Current graduate students, Future students, Future undergraduate students, Future graduate students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, Parents, Donors | Friends | Supporters, Employers, International, Media