Chamber Choir Information Sheet

­University of Waterloo Chamber Choir- Fall 2024

(MUSIC 116/117/216/217/316/317416/417)

Dr. Mark Vuorinen Ÿ Ÿ CGUC 1103A Ÿ 519.885.0220 x24220

Overview: The University of Waterloo Chamber Choir is open to all UW students by audition.  Participation in the ensemble is for academic credit (0.25 per term).  The audition will assess musical gifts and technical skills, as a basis for membership. Non-student singers (faculty, staff, community members) may also inquire about auditions, but preference will be given to current UW students.  The choir is normally 30 or fewer singers depending on the results of the auditions.



  1. Engaged participation in rehearsals: Tuesdays and Thursdays 4:00-5:30 pm, CGUC Chapel.
  2. Individual preparation, as assigned, for rehearsals.  Choristers are responsible for learning assigned material on their own and will be prepared to demonstrate proficiency in small groups or individually from time to time.
  3. Participation in all UWCC concerts and additional rehearsals.

Selection process: The UW Chamber Choir is open to all UW students and other interested singers, including faculty and staff, with selection made by audition.  Registered students will be given priority.  Audition information is given below.  All singers must audition each fall term; normally, singers continuing from fall to winter do not need to re-audition.


Registration procedure: If this is your first term in an ensemble, register for Music 116.  Registration in subsequent semesters will use the following courses numbers: 117/216/217/316/317. You may register before auditioning, but in the event that you are not accepted into the ensemble, responsibility is left to the student to drop the course from their schedule. Credit is based on full participation (see the attendance policy below).

Audition procedure: 

  1. Auditions are scheduled online.  See for details. 
  2. There are two assigned pieces for auditions.  CHOOSE ONE (1) AND PREPARE TO SING IT, UNACCOMPANIED, IN THE KEY OF YOUR CHOICE (ie. choose a starting pitch that is suitable to your voice and range), OR BRING AN ARTSONG OF YOUR CHOICE.  Be warmed up prior to your audition. 
  3. If you have any questions about the audition procedure, contact the conductor by email, phone or in person.  The purpose of the audition is to check vocal range and quality, and your music reading ability. 
  4. Email, Angelica Allen at: if you have any issues scheduling an audition.

NOTE:  All singers must re-audition for Fall term, even if you have sung in the Chamber Choir before.

Rehearsal schedule:           

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, 4-5:30 p.m.   Conrad Grebel Chapel; FIRST REHEARSAL Thursday September 12. 
  • The Term-end Dress rehearsal will take place on Friday November 22, 4:00-6:30pm at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Kitchener.
  • The Term-end Concert will take place on Sunday November 24, call time is 2pm and concert time is 3pm, at St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church, Kitchener.

                Attendance policy:

                Attendance at all rehearsals is expected. 

                i) In exceptional situations you may be excused from a rehearsal, but this must be cleared with the director ahead of time. I must be notified at least a day in advance, but preferably at or before the rehearsal preceding the absence, and would like to discuss the conflict with you personally. The request must also be made in writing by emailing me at:

                ii) Beginning in the third full week of classes, after four excused absences' you may be asked to re-audition for the UWCC; this audition will include a check of competency in current repertoire of the choir.   If the re-audition is unsuccessful, you will be asked to drop the choir and will not receive credit for the ensemble.

                iii) Unexcused absences are unacceptable.  One unexcused absence counts as two excused absences.   You will need to re-audition after two unexcused absences, and may be asked to drop the choir (as in No. 3 above).  Note:  it is not good enough to send a message with someone to the rehearsal in question indicating you won't be there; that is still an unexcused absence. Your absence must be arranged with me ahead of time.


                You are required to be at all dress rehearsals, concerts, and recording sessions. Failure to be present may forfeit the credit for the course.  Where a scheduled commitment conflicts with a scheduled class in one of your other courses, an attempt will be made to work out a solution with you individually.