Last updated: Feb 2025
Whether you are taking only a few Music courses or completing a degree with a major or minor in Music, we hope that you will find your time here stimulating and enriching and the community of students, staff and faculty supportive and friendly.
This handbook contains important information about various aspects of the Music program. Please take time to read through it carefully.
Welcome & A bit of background
Conrad Grebel University College has been home to the University of Waterloo Music program since the 1960s and has offered BA degrees in Music since the 1970s, and over the years hundreds of students have graduated from Waterloo with degrees in Music. The Department of Music is large enough to create an interesting and vibrant community and yet small enough that each student can get to know staff and faculty personally.
As a department within the Faculty of Arts, the Music program espouses a strong liberal-arts orientation, exploring the role of music in human life. The traditional core areas of music history, theory, and performance are enriched by a global music dimension, with courses addressing questions at the vital intersection of disciplines. The University of Waterloo, with its tradition of collaboration and innovation, and Grebel, as a multi-disciplinary and interdisciplinary college, provide a richly supportive culture for this approach to the study of Music.
The Music Department includes a wide range of students from all faculties, providing vibrant interactions between students from diverse disciplines. Some students choose to major or minor in music, while others choose to take only a few music courses or participate in an ensemble. All ensembles are open to any student, staff, faculty, or community member, either as an extra-curricular activity or for credit, with each ensemble presenting a concert at the end of term.
Please let us know if you have questions. We are here to help. The Music Office is located in Grebel Room 1103. Please feel free to email faculty and staff. The general email is music@uwaterloo.ca.
Our best wishes for the academic year!
Be In The Know!
Faculty Teaching and Research Interests
These are our awesome faculty. They are vary approachable and want to help you succeed!

See contact info and bios of our faculty, staff and adjunct instructors.
The Music office is located at Conrad Grebel University College, CGR 1103. Email us.
Concerts & Recitals
Attendance at recitals and concerts is a part of your music education and an expression of support for your fellow students. You are expected to attend concerts whenever possible, even when they are only offered online.
The Noon Hour Concert series, sponsored by the University of Waterloo Department of Music at Conrad Grebel University College, presents performances by local and international musicians. These free concerts are presented in the fall and winter terms and feature classical, jazz, world music, and contemporary works.
Student recitals are scheduled for the end of each term. Students in Music 326, 327, 426, 427 and 428 are required to perform in recitals. Students in Music 226 and 227 are encouraged to perform. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, recitals will not happen in the usual manner.
Graduation recitals are given by all students registered for Music 428.Ensemble Concerts normally take place at the end of each term.
Dates for all recitals and concerts are posted on our Events Website.
Music Ensembles (Music 116, 117, etc.)
Students from any faculty, faculty, staff and community members are invited to join any of the eight musical ensembles that it sponsors and organizes.
Chamber Choir | University Choir | Chapel Choir | Vocal Techniques | World Music Ensemble – Balinese Percussion Gamelan | Instrumental Chamber Ensembles | Orchestra@uwaterloo | Jazz Ensemble
You can perform in any of the ensembles for course credit (0.25 units CR/NCR) or as an extra-curricular activity. Regular attendance at rehearsals is required, and attendance at dress rehearsals and performances is mandatory (if applicable). Acceptance is by audition and at the discretion of the director.
If taking for credit, the first ensemble you register for is Music 116. Quest does not distinguish between the different ensembles. See credit sequence.
More info: Music Ensemble website or e-mail music@uwaterloo.ca
Music Studio Courses (Music 226, 227, etc.)
Music Studio courses offer individual instruction in voice, piano, organ, all orchestral instruments, saxophone, and guitar. The Music Studio courses are MUSIC 226, 227, 326, 327, 426, 427 and 428. Students who are applying to take Music Studio for the first time should read About Music Studio section carefully. Students who have already taken their first term of Music Studio should skip down to the section Enrolling for Music Studio.
See also see studio course availability to majors, minors and non-majors.
Practice space, pianos and instrument lockers are provided at Conrad Grebel University College as facilities allow. Priority is given to current Music Studio students, followed by Music majors, ensemble participants and CGUC resident students.
Special Topics Courses (Music 390 & Music 392)
The Music Department offers annual special topics seminar courses to enrich the course offerings available to students.
Note: These are repeatable courses, subject to different content; they may be completed a total of three times. This applies to 390 and 392
See our Course List for when these course are offered next and the topic title.
Music & Culture Travel Course (Music 355)
Experience the rich musical culture of other countries and get credit at the same time. Previous trips include to South Africa, London, Leipzig, Berlin, and Estonia. Visit the music courses page for more details.
Directed Studies (Music 380 and 381)
Upper-year Music majors and minors are eligible to propose a course of directed studies (Music 380 or 381), which entails individual study of a specialized topic under the guidance of a full-time member of the music faculty. Visit the music courses page for more details.
Honours Research Seminar & Thesis (Music 491 & Music 492)
Music 491 and 492 are open to Music majors (level at least 3A) through Department consent.
Music 491: Honours Research Seminar (0.5 units) is designed to give students an opportunity to develop and hone research and writing techniques through individual research projects and regular meetings with other students and faculty.
Music 492: Senior Honours Thesis (0.5 units): Students may wish to write a Senior Honours Thesis over two terms rather than a term paper. This can be done by taking Music 491 followed by 492 in a subsequent term. Students are encouraged, however, to identify their intention of writing a before embarking on Music 491, so that a suitable faculty advisor can be found and so that the project’s scope and topic can be adapted accordingly.
Note: Music 491 and 492 are recommended for all Honours Music students intending to pursue graduate studies.
For more information, visit the music courses page
Course Offering Frequency
In planning your schedule of study, please take note of which courses are normally available every year and those offered less frequently. Make sure to consult our Courses website or the Music Office for up-to-date information.
Music Theory Courses:
- Music 270: Music Theory I (Spring, Fall, Winter)
- Music 271: Music Theory II (Fall)
- Music 370: Music Theory III (Winter, every other year from 370)
- Music 371: Music Theory IV (Winter, every other year from 371)
Music History Courses: three of the four are offered every year.
- Music 253: Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600
- Music 254: Monteverdi to Mozart: Music from 1600-1800
- Music 255: The Romantic Century: Beethoven and Beyond
- Music 256: Music Since 1900
Some of our hisotry courses are offered in 2-year or 3-year rotation. Be aware!
Note: As of Sept 2025, the four history courses above will be discontinued and replaced with Music 250: European History 1:Middle Ages to Classical (likley Fall) and Music 251:European History 2: Romantic and Modern Era (likely Winter).
Music Courses at Wilfrid Laurier University
Music Majors and Minors may take Music courses at WLU under the following circumstances:
- an equivalent course is not offered at UW, or an unavoidable scheduling conflict exists.
To register for a WLU course students must complete and submit a Cross-Registration Form (found on the Registrar’s Web page)
Certain restrictions apply to courses in the area of Performance and Music Education:
Courses in Performance (such as the summer Intensive in Voice, Diction for Singers, Acting for Singers) may be taken in lieu of, but not in addition to, the maximum number of Music Studio courses allowed in your particular program. (See Availability of Music Studio Courses).
Non-course stuff to know about
Financial Aid and Scholarships
A number of scholarships, awards and bursaries are available for Music students.
Library Services Available to Music Students
The Milton Good Library is located on the third floor and is a great place to study with a variety of open spaces for group work and quiet study. The Milton Good Library has two group study rooms available by reservation. You can find Music Course Reserves, music scores, and other resources for projects and papers.
Living in a vibrant community
Associate Student Status
We encourage you to consider getting the most out of your Grebel experience by becoming an Off-Campus Associate.
Off Campus Associates are student in first to fifth year who do not live at Grebel but are connected to the supportive, fun, and engaging Grebel residence community! With Grebel as a home base on campus, Associates find it easier to meet friends, join teams, and get involved during their undergraduate experience.
The Grebel Associate Student program is very popular with 90 plus students joining each term!
Parking at Grebel
Undergrad students who are PACS and Music majors, connected to the Student Services program or studying in the MTS and MPACS programs can purchase permits at Grebel or on campus.
The two parking options available to students:
1. Hourly/daily via Honk Mobile app (zone 9072), Honk QR code, or the main office
2. Term parking pass via the main office
There is a separate form for academic students to complete if they would like to purchase a term parking permit. The electronic form must be completed before a permit is issued.
Any further questions, please direct them to Sara Cressman, finance office - scressman@uwaterloo.ca
Social Media
- Facebook: Uwaterloo Music Department
- Instagram: uwmusicdept
- Grebel Music Events Page
Music Society
The UW Music Society, also known as MuSoc, aims to further a sense of community within the Music Department and promote all aspects of music around the University of Waterloo. MuSoc hosts a variety of events every term which allow music students to get to know each other and have a little fun! The society also schedules educational seminars and occasional performance opportunities. Look for posters around the music department and like our page on Facebook to stay up to date with everything that’s going on! If you are a music student and think you might like to get involved with the Music Society, please send us an email at uwmusoc@gmail.com.
For more information and upcoming events, find us on Facebook: @uwmusoc
MuSoc is a sub-society of the Arts Student Union (ASU)
You've Got This!
Student Success and Wellness
The Student Success Office services are available to all University of Waterloo Students. It offers Learning resources, connections to tutors, Peer Success Coaching, and Writing and Communication help. Here is a short list of resources:
- Manage your time in University
Learning Online - Improve Note-taking & Reading Skills
Life Skills for University - How to Succeed in University Assignments
- How to Succeed on Tests and Assignments,
- and much more.
Campus Wellness Counselling Services are available to all students. If you can't make it to a session in person, you can view a collection of our workshops and seminars online at any time.
Wellness Checkis available if you are concerned about a fellow student, you can contact Counselling services and they can reach out anonymously to a student on behalf of another student, advisor, instructor, staff, etc)
Empower Me is a confidential mental health and wellness service that connects students with qualified counsellors 24/7. They can be reached at 1-833-628-5589.
Music Degree Plans & Checklists
Degree plans can be found on the UW undergraduate calendar which include the following:
- Three-Year General Music
- Four-Year General Music
- Honours Music (includes Double Major* or Joint Honours*)
- Specializations in Music (only open to music majors - Honours, Four-Year, Three-Year)
- Church Music and Worship
- Music in Global Context
- Music and Peace
- Intensive Music
- Music minor
- Church Music and Worship (CMW): Minor and Diploma
Checklists for each degree plan can be accessed here (link coming) or requested from the music office. Always check with the advisor that you have the most current worksheet.
- 3-year Plan checklist - excel worksheet (contact music.advisor@uwaterloo.ca)
- 4-year plan checklist - excel worksheet (contact music.advisor@uwaterloo.ca)
- Music Minor plan checklist (revised June 2021) Word Doc
- Church Music and Worship plan checklist (revised Aug 2021) - Word Doc