2025 Concerto & Aria Competition Winners
The winners of the orchestra@uwaterloo Concerto & Aria Competition are:
1. Bowei Zhang, piano.
2. Jacob Lee, piano.
The winners of the orchestra@uwaterloo Concerto & Aria Competition are:
1. Bowei Zhang, piano.
2. Jacob Lee, piano.
“In 2004, when we started Orchestra@UWaterloo, we had a conductor, Erna Van Daele, and a concertmaster, new faculty member Romy Shioda, but really nothing else — no budget and no rehearsal space. Luckily, Catharine Scott, Associate Provost of Human Resources and Student Services, was willing to support me — a computer science prof with the unlikely ambition to manage an orchestra,” reflected Anna Lubiw, one of the professors who started Orchestra@UWaterloo.
Now, two decades later, the Orchestra is preparing for its 20th anniversary concert and has been part of the University of Waterloo Music Department, managed by Conrad Grebel University College, since 2017. “Our first open rehearsal at the Humanities Theatre in September 2004 attracted more than 100 players. There are so many extraordinarily talented people at the University of Waterloo for whom music is a passion but not their career,” added Lubiw. “Taking the orchestra from a wishful dream to reality depended on the support of many people. It was fun to interact with people from across the campus.” she said. “The orchestra was also incredibly hard work, and I remember transporting borrowed percussion to every rehearsal in the early years.”
“I've never considered music as a serious option for me until I gave it a try,” Michael Wu reflected.
Michael is a third-year Math student at the University of Waterloo who is actively involved in the Music program at Conrad Grebel University College and also lives at Grebel.
Michael’s interest lies in vocal music, which is why he has immersed himself in all the choirs that Grebel offers: Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir, and University Choir. He was also involved in the production of “Something Rotten!,” a musical put on by Grebel students two years ago. “I enjoy singing much more than just listening to music,” he explained. “Part of that is because I love creating music; when I sing my part and hear it blend perfectly with the other voices to form chords, it feels incredible. Singing those notes myself adds to that joy; it makes the experience even more fulfilling."
We are glad to present a full slate of noon hour concerts this term. Please note that the start time is now NOON, not 12:30pm.
Congratulations to Ellen Marguerite Siebel-Achenbach on receiving The Sandra Burt Prize in Gender and Social Justice for her project on “Sisters of Wisdom: Female Hymnists of the Middle Ages.” Ellen graduated from the University of Waterloo in 2023 with a double major in Visual Culture and Medieval Studies and minors in both Fine Arts Studio and Church Music and Worship (CMW). She recently finished her master's degree in Art History at the University of Toronto.
Congratulations to Veronica Champagne (Honours Music) on being this year’s recipient of the Departmental Award for Distinguished Academic Achievement in Music for the graduating class of 2024.
On behalf of the Department of Music, congratulations, Veronica, on your academic achievement and very best wishes from all of us!
We'll also miss you in chamber choir ensembles!
Gradiva, or the “woman who walks,” has been a long-time figure within artistic circles. Believed to originate from Greece in 4th-century BCE, the image of the walking woman has inspired many notable 20th-century artists and scholars. Recently, the famous bas-relief inspired Karen Sunabacka, Associate Professor of Music at Conrad Grebel University College and the University of Waterloo. Grebel’s Chamber Choir will be presenting the world premiere of Gradiva, a choral collaborative project between Sunabacka and visual artist and writer Zsuzsanna Ardó.
“Hear with the ears, feel with the body,” said I Dewa Made Suparta, Artist-in-Residence of Balinese music and performing arts at Conrad Grebel University College. “You must use your eyes, your brain, and your heart. You must feel your surrounding players. If each player does not connect with the beat, the music cannot breathe together.” As Artistic Director of Grebel’s Balinese Percussion Ensemble course and Community Gamelan Warga Santi, Dewa is preparing for the 10th anniversary concert at the end of the term. The concert is a celebration of a unique branch of music that has flourished and grown within Grebel’s music community.
Not sure which University to study Music at? Come and audition with us! We want to get to know you and see if Music at UWaterloo is the right fit for you.
Ever since he attended Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC) at age 12, Conrad Grebel University College student Joel Woods has entrenched himself within Grebel’s music community. Through joining numerous clubs, he has connected with others sharing that same passion for music while also finding an outlet to express himself in an artistic fashion. For these reasons, Grebel is excited to congratulate Joel as the recipient of the Abner Martin Award, a scholarship awarded annually to a full-time student in a graduate or undergraduate music program who is also affiliated with a congregation in Mennonite Church Eastern Canada.