
The following music courses are offered by Waterloo's Department of Music at Conrad Grebel University College. 

Most courses are open to majors and non-majors. Studio and most ensemble performance courses require an audition.

100 | 200 | 300 | 400

Ensemble Courses | Studio courses | Travel courses | Directed Studies | Research Seminar & Thesis

*Note: more recent course outlines for some courses can be found on the University course outline site.

Music 100 Courses 

Course ID Course name Course outline Offered (not official; subject to change)
MUSIC 100 Understanding Music Every term

How Music Matters

(formerly called: Music in Cultural Contexts)

(Antireq: MUSIC 100 removed Sept 1 2021)

(Required for those in or wanting a Music major or minor, or elective students with music history background)

see University course outline site for current term outline.

Every fall term and winter term


Fundamentals of Music Theory

(does not count towards a music major or minor)

see University course outline site for current term outline. Every fall and winter term

any Ensemble (first time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program

See music ensemble courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles


any Ensemble (second time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program

See music ensemble courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 140 Popular Music and Culture Every term

100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | Back to top

Music 200 Courses 

Course ID Course name Course outline Offered (not official)
CMW 201/202 Worship Practicum see University course outline site for current term outline.


201 every fall term
202 every winter term


any Ensemble (third time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program

See music ensemble courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 217 any Ensemble (fourth time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program
See music ensemble courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 222 Conducting 1 Every fall term
MUSIC 226 Music Studio (first time taken)

See music studio courses below

Every term

audition required

(Open to anyone who passed the audition)

MUSIC 227 Music Studio (second time taken)

See Music 226 above for combined course outline.

See music studio courses below

Every term


Music Cognition

(previously called Psychology of Music)

Fall 2023
(normally every 3 years)


Music as a Global Phenomenon

Antireq: MUSIC 245
(if 245 was taken and you switched to new plan, it is counted as 232)


Fall 2024


Musical Rhythm in Global Perspective

Winter 2025

MUSIC 240 Introduction to Jazz see University course outline site for current term outline. Every winter term
MUSIC 246 Soundtracks: Music in Film Every term


*NEW as of Sept 2025

European History I: Middle Ages to Classical TBD Likely offered every fall term


*NEW as of Sept 2025

European History II: Romantic and Modern TBD Likely offered every winter term


*discontinued after W25

Cathedral to Court: Music to 1600

see University course outline site for current term outline



*discontinued after W25

Monteverdi to Mozart: 1600-1800  


*discontinued after W25

The Romantic Century: Beethoven & Beyond



*discontinued after W25

Music Since 1900

The Symphony

new name: Music for Orchestra

Music 260 - W21 Remote (PDF - accessible format)

tba (not 2024-25 academic year)

(normally on a three-year rotation with 261 and 262)

MUSIC 261 Opera

Fall 2024

(normally on a three year rotation with 260 and 262)


Music for Vocal Ensemble

Antireq: MUSIC 290 "Choral Music" taken Winter 2015
Music 290 - W15 (PDF)

Music 262 - W18 (PDF - accessible format)

(not 2024-25 academic year)

(normally on a three-year rotation with 260 and 261)

MUSIC 270 see University course outline site Every term

Winter 2025 - cancelled

Every winter & Fall 2024

Music and Technology
Every Fall and likely every Winter

Special Topics:

(repeatable, subject to different content; may be completed a total of 3 times)

(As announced, with rotating topics)

Winter 2025:

Introduction to Video Game Music
A survey of the history and conventionsof video game music and how game music affects players. Topics includenarrative, immersion, and interactivity; characterization of protagonists and antagonists;how music shapes players' perceptions of different types of locations in video games; and the reception of video game music in modern society (through live and virtual concerts, fan arrangements, etc.). We will be examining games from a wide variety of genres, including but not limited to role-playing games (RPGs), action-adventure games, platformers, fighting games, horror games, and roguelike games, as well as both indie games and those developed by larger studios like Square Enix and Nintendo.

(email to override if not at least 2A)

100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | Back to top

Music 300 courses 

Course ID Course name Course outline Offered (not official)
MUSIC 316 any Ensemble (fifth time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program
See Music Ensemble Courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 317 any Ensemble (sixth time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program
See Music Ensemble Courses below

Every term

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 322 Conducting 2

Winter 2025 - cancelled
(Normally every Winter)

MUSIC 326 Music Studio (third time taken)

See Music 226 above for combined course outline.

See Music Studio Courses below

Every term

*Music majors and minors only

MUSIC 327 Music Studio (fourth time taken)

See Music 226 above for combined course outline.

See Music Studio Courses below

Every term

*Music majors only

MUSIC 332 Aesthetics of Music


(usually every 3 years, on rotation with 333 & 334)


Music and Landscape

Antireq: Music 390 taken Winter 2011 or 2014
Prereq: Level at least 2A

Winter 2025

(usually every 3 years, on rotation with 332 & 334)


Women & Music

Cross-listed with GSJ 334

MUSIC 334-GSJ 334 - F21 (PDF, accessible format)

Winter 2025 - cancelled

(usually every 3 years, on rotation with 332 & 333)


Perspectives in Music and Peace

Antireq: Music 391 and PACS 301 "Music, Peace and Conflict" taken W15

Prereq: Level at least 2A
Cross-listed as: PACS 335

Music 335-PACS 335 - W17 (PDF)



Music and Culture Travel Course (rotates locations)

See Music and Travel Courses below

tba (Bali, Indonesia)

(can register for winter term or spring term)

MUSIC 361 Art Song Winter 2024
(every 2-3 years, winter term)
MUSIC 362 Piano Literature

Music 362 - W18 (PDF, accessible format)

tba  (not 2024-2025 academic year)
(normally every 2-3 years, winter term)

MUSIC 363/ CMW 363/ RS 357/ TS652

The Church's Song

(was The Christian Hymn and Christian Hymnody)

see University course outline site for current term outline.

Winter 2024
(usually every 2 years, on rotation with 364)

MUSIC 364/ CMW 364

Worship and its Music

(was Worship and Music)

see University course outline site for current term outline. see University course outline site for current term outline.Fall 2022
(usually every 2 years, on rotation with 363)
MUSIC 370 Music Theory 3 (19th Century)

see University course outline site for current term outline. 

Every fall term (but not Fall 2024) and Winter 2025
MUSIC 371 Music Theory 4 (20th Century)

Music 371 - W19 (PDF - accessible format)

not Winter 2025

(usually ever other winter)  Contact Dr. Sunabacka for details

MUSIC 376 Composition Seminar see University course outline site for current term outline.


(normally every 2 years - planned for Fall 2025 & Fall 2027)
Contact Dr. Sunabacka for details

MUSIC 380 Directed Study in Music (first time taken)  

By arrangement

*Upper-year Music majors and minors only

MUSIC 381 Directed Study in Music (second time taken)  

By arrangement

*Upper-year Music majors and minors only


Note: Music 391 inactivated as of fall 2017

Special Topics in Music

(repeatable, subject to different content; may be completed a total of 3 times)

-------Past topics---------

Winter 2024:   Section 01:
Orchestration and Arranging
Prof. Karen Sunabacka

(email instructor for override - at least Music 271 preferred)

Winter 2024: Section 02:
Music, Health & Healing Professor Maisie Sum

(email instructor for override - at least 3A recommended)

Fall 2019:
Music, Health & Healing
(at least 3A recommended)
Professor Maisie Sum

Winter 2018:
Bach's Sacred Vocal Music Professor Kenneth Hull

Fall 2018:
Orchestration & Arranging
Professor Karen Sunabacka


Not 2024-2025 academic year.

(As announced, with rotating topics and instructors)


Special Topics in Global Music

(repeatable, subject to different content; may be completed a total of 2 times)

Winter 2025: Introduction to Balinese Music and Culture
Dewa Suparta, artist-in-residence

------Past topics---------------

Winter 2024: Balinese New Music Creation 
Dewa Suparta, artist-in-residence



Winter 2025

(as announced, with rotating topics)

100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | Back to top

Music 400 Courses 

Course ID Course name Course outline Offered (not official)


any Ensemble (seventh time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program
See Music Ensemble Courses below

Every term starting Fall 2020

Audition required for most ensembles


any Ensemble (eighth time taken)
   **counts towards the EDGE certificate program
See Music Ensemble Courses below

Every term starting Fall 2020

Audition required for most ensembles

MUSIC 426 Music Studio
(fifth time taken)

See Music 226 above for combined course outline.

See music studio courses below

Every term

*Music majors only


Music Studio
(sixth time taken)

Antireq: Music 428

See Music 226 above for combined course outline.

See music studio courses below

Every term

*Music majors only


Music Studio
(sixth time taken, but with graduation recital)

Antireq: Music 427

Music Studio 428 (with grad recital) - W22 Remote (PDF, accessible)

See music studio courses below

Every term, if needed

*Music majors only

MUSIC 491 Senior Honours Research Seminar  

By arrangement

*Music majors (at least level 3A) only

MUSIC 492 Senior Honours Thesis  

By arrangement

*Music majors (level at least level 3A) only

100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | Back to top

Ensemble Courses | Studio courses | Travel courses | Directed Studies | Research Seminar & Thesis

Above chart updated: Jan 28, 2025

*Note: music history courses--three of the four are offered every year:
MUSIC 253: Cathedral and Court: Music to 1600
MUSIC 254: Monteverdi to Mozart: Music from 1600-1800
MUSIC 255: The Romantic Century: Beethoven and Beyond
MUSIC 256: Music Since 1900

Starting Sept 2025, the above history courses will no longer be offered and will be replaced with the following:
Music 250: European History 1: Middle Ages to Classical
Music 251: European History 2: Romantic to Modern Era

Music ensemble courses

The University of Waterloo's music department invites all students, faculty, staff, and community members to join any of the eight musical ensembles that it sponsors and organizes. Waterloo students can participate in ensembles for credit (0.25 untis, CR/NCR) or as an extracurricular activity. The Music department offers the following six ensembles: University Choir, Chapel Choir, University of Waterloo Chamber Choir, Vocal Techniques, Instrumental Chamber Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, Orchestra@UWaterloo, and the World Music: Balinese Percussion Gamelan Ensemble. The sequence for enrolling in any music ensemble courses for credit, regardless of the particular ensemble, is as follows for all students:

  1. MUSIC 116 (first time taken)
  2. MUSIC 117 (second time taken)
  3. MUSIC 216 (third time taken)
  4. MUSIC 217 (fourth time taken)
  5. MUSIC 316 (fifth time taken)
  6. MUSIC 317 (sixth time taken)
  7. MUSIC 416 (seventh time taken)
  8. MUSIC 417 (eighth time taken)

For students enrolled in the ensemble for credit, they will be evaluated by the ensemble director on a pass/fail basis. Regular attendance at rehearsals is required and attendance at dress rehearsals and performances is mandatory. For musical reasons, admission to any particular ensemble is at the discretion of the director. See ensembles for more information on audition requirements, audition dates, and other ensemble-specific information.

Each of the above ensemble courses can count towards the EDGE certificate program.

Music Studio courses

Music Studio refers to individual instruction on an instrument or voice.  Individualized instruction is offered in the following (but not limited to) applied music areas:

  • Voice
  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Classical Guitar
  • Percussion
  • Flute
  • Oboe
  • Clarinet (including Bass Clarinet)
  • Saxophone

The sequence for enrolling in Music Studio courses, regardless of the particular instrument (or voice), is as follows for all students:

  1. MUSIC 226 (first time taken)
  2. MUSIC 227 (second time taken)
  3. MUSIC 326 (third time taken)
  4. MUSIC 327 (fourth time taken)
  5. MUSIC 426 (fifth time taken)
  6. MUSIC 427 (sixth time taken) or MUSIC 428 (sixth time taken, with graduation recital)

In order to enrol in Music Studio, students must be at a level equivalent to Royal Conservatory Grade 8 and have successfully auditioned with the Music faculty. See Music Studio for audition and other information, including availability to non-majors. An additional studio fee per term will apply. Participation in an ensemble during studio term is required. 

Music travel course - MUSIC 355


MUSIC 355 is a spring term seminar, approximately three weeks long in the month of May, that is taught on location. The seminar includes lectures, attendance at musical performances, and tours of places of cultural importance. Past and possible future locations include Vienna, London, New York, and South Africa, Bali and Estonia. See website.

Prerequisite: Department consent 




The cost of this trip varies, depending on the location and other factors.  The cost usually includes tuition, airfare, housing, transportation, admission to events, and breakfast. A Music and Culture Award is available for students enrolled in this course who have demonstrated involvement in the music department. The Chair of the Music department will announce when letters of interest are being accepted for this award.

More infor​mation

For more information on music travel courses, contact the respective faculty member or contact the Undergraduate Officer,

Directed Studies: 380 and 381

Upper-year Music majors and minors are eligible to propose a course of directed studies (Music 380 or 381), which entails individual study of a specialized topic under the guidance of a full-time member of the music faculty.

The purpose of the directed studies course is to permit students to pursue a topic of the student's own choosing. Students might be interested in pursuing further studies beyond an existing course they have taken (e.g. composition, piano literature, medieval music, women in music, psychology of music, etc.).  Alternatively, the student might wish to propose studies in areas not served by the existing music curriculum (e.g. arranging, analysis, biography, etc). A Directed Studies course may involve a regime of reading, listening, score analysis, or a project of the student's devising. A major goal of the Directed Studies courses is to encourage students to read scholarly writings on music and to increase their familiarity with musical repertoire.

Since supervision is at the discretion of the faculty member, the student needs to show sufficient initiative, independence, and resourcefulness to attract the voluntary participation of a faculty member.

Students are encouraged to speak to the Undergraduate Officer and submit a directed-studies proposal before the term in which they would like to take the course.

Admission to Music 380 and Music 381 requires Music Department consent.

Honours Research Seminar & Thesis: 491 and 492

Music 491 and 492 are open to Music majors (level at least 3A) through Department consent.

Music 491: Honours Research Seminar (0.5 units)

This is designed to give students an opportunity to develop and hone research and writing techniques through individual research projects and regular meetings with other students and faculty.

Music 492: Senior Honours Thesis (0.5 units)

Students may wish to write a Senior Honours Thesis over two terms rather than a term paper. This can be done by taking Music 491 followed by 492 in a subsequent term. Students are encouraged, however, to identify their intention of writing a before embarking on Music 491, so that a suitable faculty advisor can be found and so that the project’s scope and topic can be adapted accordingly.

The length of the thesis should be between 5000 and 7500 words.  The final copy should be typed, double spaced, and include footnotes or endnotes and bibliography. The grade for Music 492 is based on the final essay submission and is assigned by the faculty advisor and a second reader.

The student is expected to demonstrate at the end of Music 492:  

1. Sufficient familiarity with some of the basic and most essential literature on the subject (primary and secondary sources)

2.  Clarity on the main issues and the related issues to the subject

3.  The ability to make a reasonably learned exposition of the question(s) under discussion

4.  Some comprehensiveness, inclusion of knowledge from various fields of music, and awareness of their methodologies.

***Music 491 and 492 are recommended for all Honours Music students intending to pursue graduate studies.

100 | 200 | 300 | 400

Ensemble Courses | Studio courses | Travel courses | Directed Studies | Research Seminar & Thesis

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