Course offerings

Students actively participating in a history class

For additional information regarding times, instructors, rooms, enrolment numbers, and more, visit the University of Waterloo's Schedule of Undergraduate Classes.

When information for this term is available, you will select term 1255 (Spring 2025); 1259 (Fall 2025); 1261 (Winter 2026)

Note: this list is subject to change.

Spring 2025

History (HIST)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

HIST 232 - A History of Peace Movements (held with PACS 203)

HIST 247 - Mennonite History: A Survey

Music (MUSIC)

MUSIC 100 - Understanding Music

MUSIC 140 - Popular Music and Culture

MUSIC 246 - Soundtracks: Music and Film

MUSIC 270 - Music Theory 1

MUSIC 380/381 - Directed Study in Music

MUSIC 491 - Senior Research Seminar

MUSIC 492 - Senior Honours Thesis

MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417 - Music Ensembles (by audition only)

  • Jazz Ensemble - (M. Wood)
  • University Choir - (L. Jetchick)
  • Instrumental Chamber Ensembles - (B. Bolt Martin)
  • World Ensemble - Balinese Gamelan - (D. Suparta)
  • Orchestra - (D. Warren)

MUSIC 226, 227, 326, 327, 426, 427, 428
Music Studios (by audition only)

Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS)

PACS 314 - Restorative Justice and Transformative Education

PACS 390 - Internship

PACS 391-01 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 1

PACS 391-02 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 2

PACS 395 - Peace and Conflict Studies Travel Course

PACS 398/399 - Directed Readings

PACS 490 - Special Topics in PACS: Cultural Resurgence, Respect & Reconciliation (held with SWREN 490)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

PACS 201 - Roots of Conflict and Violence

PACS 202 - Conflict Resolution (held with LS 271)

PACS 203 - A History of Peace Movements  (held with HIST 232)

Religious Studies (RS)

RS 398 - Directed Reading

RS 498 - Directed Reading

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

RS 100 - Religions of Asia

RS 235 - Jesus: Life and Legacy  (held with JS 235)

Fall 2024

Church Music & Worship (CMW)

CMW 201 - Worship Practicum 1

CMW 202 - Worship Practicum 2

History (HIST)

HIST 110 - History of the Western World I

HIST 379 – Reformation History (held with RS 343)

Jewish Studies (JS)

JS 228 – Big Ideas of the Bible (held with RS 228)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

JS 235- Jesus: Life and Legacy (held with RS 235)

Legal Studies (LS)

LS 271 - Conflict Resolution (held with PACS 202)

LS 319 - Negotiation: Theories and Strategies (held with PACS 323)

LS 344 - Restorative Justice (held with PACS 329)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

LS 271 - Conflict Resolution (held with PACS 202)

Music (MUSIC)

MUSIC 100 - Understanding Music

MUSIC 110 - Music in Cultural Contexts

MUSIC 111 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

MUSIC 140 - Popular Music and Culture

MUSIC 222 - Conducting I

MUSIC 232 - Music as a Global Phenomenon

MUSIC 246 - Soundtracks: Music and Film

MUSIC 253 – Cathedral & Court: Music to 1600

MUSIC 256 - Music Since 1900

MUSIC 261 - Opera

MUSIC 270 - Music Theory 1

MUSIC 271 - Music Theory 2

MUSIC 275 - Music and Technology

MUSIC 380/381 - Directed Study in Music

MUSIC 491 - Research Seminar

MUSIC 492 - Senior Honours Thesis

MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417 - Music Ensembles (most by audition only)

  • Jazz Ensemble - (M. Wood)
  • Chapel Choir - (K. Steiner)
  • Chamber Choir  - (M. Vuorinen)
  • University Choir - (L. Jetchick)
  • Instrumental Music Ensembles - Arrange (B. Bolt Martin)
  • Vocal Techniques - (S. Kramer)
  • Balinese Percussion Ensemble - (D. Suparta)
  • Orchestra - (D. Warren)

MUSIC 226, 227, 326, 327, 426, 427, 428 - Music Studios (by audition only)

Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS)

PACS 101 - Peace is Everybody's Business

PACS 201 - Roots of Conflict, Violence and Peace

PACS 202 – Conflict Resolution (held with LS 271)

PACS 301 – Special Topics: Prison and Police Abolition as Moral Imagination

PACS 315 - Engineering and Peace

PACS 316 – Violence, Nonviolence and War (held with PHIL 329)

PACS 318 - Peacebuilding in Divided Societies

PACS 323 - Negotiation: Theories and Strategies (held with LS 319)

PACS 329 - Restorative Justice (held with LS 344)

PACS 390 - Internship

PACS 391-01 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 1

PACS 391-02 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 2

PACS 398/399 - Directed Readings

PACS 401 - Senior Research Seminar

PACS 490 - Special Topics: Thinking and Working Politically

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

PACS 202 - Conflict Resolution (held with LS 271)

Religious Studies (RS)

RS 228 – Big Ideas of the Bible (held with JS 228)

RS 343 – Reformation History (held with HIST 379)

RS 391 – Special Topics: Abuse in the Church

RS 398 - Directed Reading in Special Subjects

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

RS 235 - Jesus: Life and Legacy (held with JS 235)

RS 260 - Religion Matters

Winter 2025

*NOTE: Courses listed below are subject to change.*

Arts First (ARTS)

ARTS 130-04 - Inquiry and Communication - "Public Apologies"

Church Music & Worship (CMW)

CMW 201 - Worship Practicum 1

CMW 202 - Worship Practicum 2

CMW 364 - Worship and its Music (held with MUSIC 364/RS 358/TS 653)

History (HIST)

HIST 111 - History of the Western World II

HIST 235 - History of Christianity (held with RS 240)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

HIST 232 - A History of Peace Movements (held with PACS 203)

Jewish Studies (JS)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

JS 236 - Paul: Life and Letters (held with RS 236)

Legal Studies (LS)

LS 319 - Negotiation: Theories & Strategies (held with PACS 323)

LS 344 - Restorative Justice (held with PACS 329)

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

LS 271 - Conflict Resolution (held with PACS 202)

Music (MUSIC)

MUSIC 100 - Understanding Music

MUSIC 110 - How Music Matters

MUSIC 111 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

MUSIC 140 - Popular Music and Culture

MUSIC 233 - Musical Rhythms of the World

MUSIC 240 - Introduction to Jazz

MUSIC 246 - Soundtracks: Music and Film

MUSIC 255 - The Romantic Century: Beethoven & Beyond

MUSIC 270 - Music Theory 1

MUSIC 271 - Music Theory 2

MUSIC 275 - Music and Technology

MUSIC 290 - Special Topic 001- Introduction to Video Game Music

MUSIC 322 - Conducting 2

MUSIC 333 - Music and Landscape

MUSIC 334 - Women and Music (held with GSJ 334)

MUSIC 364Worship and Its Music (held with CMW 364/RS 358/TS 653)

MUSIC 370 - Music Theory 3 (19th Century)

MUSIC 380/381 - Directed Study in Music

MUSIC 392 - Special Topics in Global Music: Introduction to Balinese Music

MUSIC 492 - Senior Honours Thesis

MUSIC 116, 117, 216, 217, 316, 317, 416, 417 - Music Ensembles (by audition only)

  • Jazz Ensemble - (M. Wood)
  • University Choir - (L. Jetchick)
  • Chapel Choir - (K. Steiner)
  • Chamber Choir - (M. Vuorinen)
  • Instrumental Music Ensembles - Arrange (B. Bolt-Martin)
  • Orchestra - D. Warren)
  • Balinese Percussion Ensemble - (D. Suparta)

MUSIC 226, 227, 326, 327, 426, 427, 428 - Music Studios (by audition only)

Peace and Conflict Studies (PACS)

PACS 290 - Social Implications of Mathematics (held with MTHEL 298)

PACS 301 - Special Topics in PACS - The Future of War: Arms Control & Peace Research (held with PSCI 390) 

PACS 312 - Quest for Peace in Literature and Film

PACS 323 - Negotiation: Theories and Strategies (held with LS 319)

PACS 326 - Religion and Peacebuilding (held with RS 380)

PACS 329 - Restorative Justice (held with LS 344)

PACS 331 - Trauma, Healing, and Conflict Resolution

PACS 390 - Internship

PACS 391-01 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 1

PACS 391-02 - Conflict Resolution Skills: Workshop 2

PACS 398 - Directed Readings

PACS 402 - Senior Research Seminar

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

PACS 201 - Roots of Conflict, Violence and Peace

PACS 202 - Conflict Resolution (held with LS 271)

PACS 203 - A History of Peace Movements (held with HIST 232)

Religious Studies (RS)

RS 240 – History of Christianity (held with HIST 235)

RS 350 – Dying for God

RS 358 - Worship and its Music (held with CMW 364/MUS 364/TS 653)

RS 380 - Religion and Peacebuilding(held with PACS 326)

RS 398 - Directed Reading in Special Subjects

Centre for Extended Learning (online)

RS 236 - Paul: Life and Letters (held with JS 236)


SOC 101 - Introduction to Sociology