Hello Off-Campus Associates (OCAs)!
Off-Campus Associates are students in first to fifth year who live near the University of Waterloo and are formally connected to the supportive, fun, engaging community at Grebel.
Typically, having this formal connection to Grebel gives you access to:
- Grebel activities like Community Supper, reading week trips, associate events and more...
- Grebel facilities like the Grebel gym, the games lounge, the music practice rooms, the lockers and more.
- Grebel people like Student Services staff, Student Council associate reps, residents, other associates and more.
- a fabulous home base on the University campus!
We are anticipating full on-site participation of off-campus associates in fall 2022!
Here are some things to note for Current/Future OCAs
- See fees, deadlines and payments for more details --
- Apply by:
- Filling in appropriate application
- Filling in the optional fee form
- Paying by the deadline
If you have questions, email grebelstudentservices@uwaterloo.ca.