Grebel's mission is to seek wisdom, nurture faith, and pursue justice and peace in service to church and society. An important part of this mission includes being a resource to the community in churches, schools, and civil society.
This guide includes faculty and staff members who are willing to share in community and church settings through lectures, presentations, workshops, adult and youth education, sermons, and as conference speakers. Areas of expertise are listed. Please contact each person directly to inquire about availability.
In addition, Grebel can connect you with musical choirs, instrumental ensembles, a Balinese gamelan ensemble, and student ambassadors who relate well to youth. Other resources to the church and community include: library, archives, Grebel Gallery, continuing education programs, and many events throughout the year.
New Testament, Religion and Dress, Religion and Visual Art.
God as Trinity, Anabaptist/Mennonite Theology, Church Apologies for Historical Wrongs, Preaching from the Lectionary.
Religion in Conflict and Peacemaking, The Middle East, Sustained Dialogue.
Faith and the Arts.
Side-by-sidedness; spaces of encounter and coexistence; identity and conflict; resistance to power; conflict transformation; implications of international intervention in conflict settings; peace education.
Restorative & transformative justice; contemporary social movements; narrative peacebuilding.
Anabaptist history and theology; history of Christianity; religion and culture in Early Modern Europe.
Peacebuilding, Mennonite Identity and Land Conflict, Ethics of Peace and Development Practice, Global Mennonite Peacebuilding.
Church History, Anabaptism, Mennonite History, The Reformation.
Equipping Worship Leaders, Equipping for Pastoral Care, Theology and Abuse/Boundaries/Safe Place Policies, Feminist Theology, Significance of Lament.
Liturgical Song, Medieval Chant, Early Polyphony, Religious Communities.
Leading Dynamic Bible Studies, Jonah, The Bible and Environmentalism, Reading the Bible alongside First Nations Peoples, Significance of Lament.
Music and Culture, Music: Health and Wellbeing, Music and Migration, Music and Community, Hands-on Balinese Music Workshop.
Music Composition and Theory.
Sacred Music, Hymnody, Music and Social Justice/Peace.
Other Grebel resource people
Ontario Mennonite History, Archives, Keeping/writing Congregational History.
Incubating Peace, Peace Entrepreneurship, Political Advocacy, Technology and Ethics.
Spirituality and Aging, Dementia in Community, Death and Dying, Spiritual Practices.
Media inquires may be directed to faculty experts or to Jennifer Konkle, Marketing and Communications Manger.