Library Hours
Our services
- Bookshelves open for browsing
- Pick up of previously-ordered library materials ordered through the Omni catalogue or inter-library loan
- Course reserves. Login to course reserves to see your personalized list of materials on reserve. Electronic items can usually be accessed directly. If the item is a print copy located at our library desk, note the call number and current availability.
- Drop-in study tables and carrels. Full time graduate students in the MPACS and MTS programs may reserve a carrel for the term.
- Bookable group study rooms
- In-person help. Library staff are available during open hours to help with general library and research questions. For specialized help, an appointment (either in person, by phone or video call) is strongly recommended. See the “Research Help” section for details.
- Printing and photocopying. Access to the library printer is available to students through the University’s virtual printing service, WPrint. To print and copy in our library, add funds to your WatCard. The printer/copier is located in an alcove across from the circulation desk.
- Several public access computers. One computer has a scanner attached.
- Washrooms, including one accessible washroom
- A digital microform reader/scanner
What to expect
Drinks are permitted in the library. No food, please.
Research help
- For general research help, email or phone 519-885-0220 x34400 or visit our library desk in person. Research help is available 9-4, Monday to Friday.
- For specialized help, an appointment is strongly recommended. Specialized research help is provided by our program liaison librarians Mandy Macfie (Music) and Laureen Harder-Gissing (Mennonite Studies, Theological Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies). You can also consult the research guides they have prepared:
- The University of Waterloo Library also provides general reference services
Book returns
Library materials may be returned to the Milton Good Library during open hours. Additional drop-off points for library materials are available across campus.
Accessing books (print and digital), articles and more
- A wealth of books, articles and more are available digitally through the University of Waterloo Library catalogue, called Omni. Omni is the catalogue of 18 Ontario universities. Print books can be ordered within the catalogue from any Omni library.
- In addition, the University of Waterloo subscribes to many specialized databases. Recommended databases for specific research areas are described in the research guides listed above.
- The University of Waterloo library also operates an interlibrary loan service for print books and digital materials not available in Omni
- In addition to choosing a book pickup location on campus, you may choose to have books delivered to you through the mail or to any university library within the Omni system
Getting a library card
For students, faculty and staff, your WatCard is your library card. Community borrowers are issued a separate card. The information below is for those who do not have an active library account.
- For alumni, you must have an alumni card to borrow. Order an Alumni WatCard through the alumni office.
- For MTS alumni in the sequential degree program with AMBS, contact us at or 519-885-0220 x34400
- For MCEC Pastors and members of the general public living in Ontario seeking a community borrower card, contact us at or 519-885-0220 x34400
Archives services
- The Archives is open generally from 8:30-4:30, Monday to Friday. The Archivist is available for consultation by chance or appointment. Contact the Archivist to set up an appointment.
- The archivist is able to respond via email to archival questions requiring a reasonable amount of staff time. See the Archives website for details.