A Camper's Perspective

By Hanan, camper from Ottawa writing after her 1st year

Hanan Kaekiza

When I was first introduced to Ontario Mennonite Music Camp (OMMC) by my church, I wasn't so sure about the idea. I didn’t really know what to expect, but when I arrived I immediately felt like I belonged and that I was about to have the most amazing two weeks of my life.  
A normal day at camp is filled with many fun activities that include choir, small group, various recreational activities,chapel, ensemble, practice hour, and free time. Most  but not all campers have some musical background, which can vary from stringed instruments, to vocal and wind instruments at all different levels. During the two weeks at camp you can see all the bonds you have made through the music you make together.  
During a normal year at camp there would normally be a musical, but due to Covid that wasn’t possible this summer.  Instead we did a recital, which included all the ensembles (Orchestra, Piano and Vocal) as well as the choir. The concert was recorded and was premiered on Youtube.
OMMC is not only an amazing music camp, but also has a Christian faith element. Every morning we have chapel. On the first day the staff run chapel, but as camp progresses small camper groups take turns planning the service. Chapel includes hymn singing, bible verse readings, brief talk about the bible verse and a benediction.
There are also fun theme days such as: crazy hair day, Christmas in the summer, whacky utensil day etc. The staff chose the winners for theme days, and you can win a prize.
My favourite parts of camp would have to be my small group and choir. In our small group we would read and talk about scripture. There are about five to six people in each group, and one counsellor leading each group. I enjoyed choir because since Covid started I hadn’t sung with a big group of people. Hearing all the harmonies after not being able to sing with people for so long was a great feeling.  Another one of my favourite things about camp was the secret friend challenge. You randomly get another camper's name on the first day, and throughout the next two weeks you give them challenges anonymously plus give them rewards once they have completed their challenge. 


By Jaren, 3rd year camper from Waterloo Region

When I was 12 years old, my mom signed me up for a summer camp that ran over the course of 2 weeks on the campus of Conrad Grebel University College. I genuinely had no idea what to expect. Come the first day, I sat down on the patio with all the other campers and families, and sang hymns. Despite feeling like everyone else knew each other, I had no idea how much the people at this camp would impact my life. As the week went on, I kept getting these happy surges through my body. I was so lost in this amazing world that I’d only just found out about now. I’d barely known these people for a week and yet I felt like I’d known them forever. But the part that struck me the most was the sense of inclusion I felt among everyone there. Whether it was during recreational time, playing gaga ball or intense scavenger hunts. Ensembles, where I got to play music with so many other amazing musicians. And during meals, having conversations that I would have been too shy to bring up to any of my school friends. The big picture for me was that no one seemed alone, ever. I can’t emphasise how much this was different from my everyday life. OMMC is where I found some of my greatest friends; my people. The people that let me be me. This camp will always have a place in my heart, even after my final year. OMMC is truly a place that changed my life in so many ways that I can’t even describe. That’s why I encourage you to come and try it yourself. After all, there's not many places where you get live music while trying to take a shower.


My Time at OMMC, by Julia - 1st year camper from Waterloo Region

I decided to go to OMMC because some of my friends had been there and they said that they’d always really liked it. I really enjoyed our small group because I got to know those people better: we sat around and talked and there was a Bible verse we read together. We also had time to reflect about the verse or how camp was going so far. At OMMC there was also time to be with the bigger group, at meals, choir, rec and chapel. My favourite thing about the meals was the conversation. No matter where you sit you will always have fun and get to know people better. In Rec we played fun games and for the second week we got into teams and competed in wacky games.
I also loved the musical because even though I didn’t get the biggest part it was super fun to act and watch the whole show come together. Plus the choreo was awesome. Another thing I loved about OMMC was that everybody hung out together no matter what age they were. No matter who I was with at OMMC I always felt I belonged. We had chapel every morning and it was always very early but I loved singing with people because we got to do different songs, like “Oceans”. It taught me God is always there with me even if it gets tough. I think that OMMC is kind of a combination between church and music. I loved OMMC.

OMMC Counsellors

OMMC Counsellors