Distinguished Alumni Service Award

distinguished alumni award beside a podium

Since Conrad Grebel University College first opened its doors, a variety of bright, enthusiastic and capable young adults have come to Grebel, grown in mind, body, and soul, and then left to leave their mark upon the world.

The Distinguished Alumni Service Award will normally be given annually to one or two alumni who have, in some notable way, demonstrated the unique emphases of Conrad Grebel University College. 


They are outlined as follows:

The purpose ​of the award is to:

  1. identify outstanding alumni in a systematic way;
  2. honour significant service and contributions of alumni;
  3. inspire other alumni and current students to lives of service; and
  4. heighten the public image of Conrad Grebel University College by publicizing the service contributions of college alumni.

The qualifications for t​he Distinguished Service Award:

  1. Was a resident or associate of Conrad Grebel University College for two terms, or is a graduate of one of Grebel's academic programs (Music, Peace and Conflict Studies, Master of Theological Studies); and
  2. Has made a unique contribution to the church, community, nation, world that is significant and worthy of recognition; and
  3. Has made a contribution representing the ideals and purposes of Conrad Grebel University College.

The process of awarding the award is:

  • Nominations are made from alumni and faculty to the Alumni Executive Committee by January 1 of each year;
  • Alumni Executive Committee screens the nominations and nominates candidates to the president of the college;
  • The president vets the nominations through the College Council;
  • The president announces and/or presents the awards at the College Convocation Service in April.

Please send nominations to:

Fred W. Martin, Attn: Alumni Committee
Conrad Grebel University College,
140 Westmount Road, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6

Present a brief case statement for why the alumnus/a you are nominating meets the above qualifications for the award.

You may also nominate for Grebel's award via the University of Waterloo's Alumni website 

Past Recipients

Read about the past recipients of the award.

Larry Cornies is a master of his craft. Over the span of 45 years, he has sustained a distinguished career in journalism, teaching, and community service. His vocational path wasn’t direct, but his choices contributed to the depth and perspective that he brings to his work. Cornies is the recipient of Conrad Grebel University College's 2024 Distinguished Alumni Service Award, recognizing his significant contributions to the field. 

After receiving her bachelor's degree in Social Development Studies at the University of Waterloo in 1999, Angie Koch sought a different career path. Despite not having any experience in the field, she decided to become a farmer. In 2008, Angie founded Fertile Ground Farm, a local organization that aimed to give its customers the “freshest, highest-quality produce” that they could grow. Getting her hands caked with dirt was Angie’s way of giving back and making her mark in the Waterloo Region. For her sustained contributions toward supporting her local community, Angie is the recipient of the 2023 Distinguished Alumni Service Award. 

To look back on Issa Ebombolo’s (MPACS 2017) career thus far is to look back on a journey of leadership, collaboration, and great accomplishments. From developing a peace curriculum, helping develop programs and support for refugee camps, and now, in his current role, working with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) as Peacebuilding Coordinator for Zambia and Malawi, he has helped promote peace and restorative justice in all that he does. It is fitting that he has been chosen as the 2022 recipient of Conrad Grebel University College’s Distinguished Alumni Service Award.

Pursuing a career in music education was a dream for Ann L. Schultz (BA 1990) who was always passionate about making music. After finishing a degree in music at Conrad Grebel College, Ann completed a Bachelor of Education and began her teaching career at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate in 1991, becoming head of the music program there in 1997.

John Neufeld (BA 1996) has continually served the communities around him, whether that be through leadership or behind the scenes, at Grebel or in the broader Waterloo Region. In recognition of his generous and dedicated service, Conrad Grebel University College has named John the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Service Award winner.

Dean Peachey is a familiar face to many Grebelites. Initially he spent only his third year of university at Grebel (1974-75), participating actively as a resident. After graduating from Eastern Mennonite College, in Virginia, Peachey’s positive experience at Grebel and Waterloo brought him back in 1978 for graduate studies. While studying, he served as Senior Resident with his wife Melissa Miller (1978-1980).

Since graduating from the University of Waterloo just over a decade ago, Amanda Kind (BA ’06) has grown into an inspirational leader for young performers in her community. In recognition of her generous and dedicated service, Conrad Grebel University College has named Amanda the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Service Award winner.

The Alumni Committee of Conrad Grebel University College is pleased to announce the selection of Lisa Schirch (BA 1990) as the 2014 recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Service Award.

The Alumni Committee of Conrad Grebel University College is pleased to announce the selection of Larry Willms as this year’s recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Service award. Larry provides an inspirational example of following an interesting life path. "He provides Grebel graduates with a prime example of how one can follow their passions and use their education to make a difference not only in their own back yard but in the broader community and around the world. This type of intentional living fits well with Grebel’s mission to seek wisdom, nurture faith, and pursue justice and peace in service to church and society," said Wendy Cressman Zehr, Alumni Committee Chair.