Things to bring:
- 12 days worth of clothing – laundry facilities are only available in an emergency.
- Performance clothing (black on bottom, white on top) - there will be 3 performances for this attire, so come prepared to be in front of parents and public.
- Fancy clothes for the awards ceremony and dinner.
- Bathing suit and beach towel.
- Hat, sunscreen, and sunglasses.
- Toiletries and bath towel.
- Pillow and bed-sheets/sleeping bag.
- Raincoat or waterproof windbreaker or umbrella.
- Water bottle.
- Supplies for making gifts/challenges for your "secret friend" - if you're not sure what to do, don't worry, we have arts and craft supplies available!
- Optional: dress-up clothes! Crazy hats, name it! Theme days include pajama day, cartoon character day, and wacky tacky day!
- Optional: anything you may need to perform in the camper coffee house!
- Optional: sheet music you will be intending to work on, would like to learn - encouraged for solo instruments: piano, voice!
- Instruments you own and play
Things not to bring:
- Food - please, absolutely no nuts on the premises due to severe allergies.
- Perfume, cologne or scented sprays - also due to allergies.
- Knives, matches, or anything else that is potentially dangerous or harmful.
- Cell phone - there is a phone available for emergency use.
- Computer - there will be a computer available if necessary.
- Stuff you won't need (i.e. the entire collection of the Chronicles of Narnia) - you may bring a few books but there won't be a lot of time for leisurely reading.
An email will be sent to you in July informing you of additional items related to this year’s camp theme or musical.