These CDs are available for purchase at the Conrad Grebel main office or by filling out the Order Form (PDF) and sending a cheque made out to Conrad Grebel University College.
- The Spirit Sings (2009)
- Then & Now (2005)
- Mysterium (2002)
- Touched by Grace (2000)
- How can I keep from Singing (1997) sold out
- When in our music God is glorified (1995)
To hear a sample, click on an underlined track title.
We also have Music Resources for Churches, to be used during a service.

The Spirit Sings
Cantate Domino Lobe den Herren, meine Seele Angel Song II Creator of the stars of night Vere languores nostros Kyrie from Mass in G Sparrow Fairest Lord Jesus A Celtic prayer Thy Kingdom come |
The Word was God All creatures of our God and King Sicut cervus O Great Mystery Water Night How can I keep from Singing? Lux aeterna Hold me, rock me Not one sparrow is forgotten |

Then & Now
A Pentatonic Alleluia Be merciful unto me, O God Blessed Trinity Pilgrims’ Hymn Wisdom is glorious In the rifted Rock I’m resting The tree of life Other Foundation Alleluia Now thank we all our God |
Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Ghospoda Ich bete an die Macht der Liebe I sought the Lord Harre, meine Seele Lift thine eyes Lux aurumque Earth and all stars Wer pflanzte die Blumen Guide my feet |

Come, O Creator Spirit, come A wondrous mystery Ave Maria Lo! How a Rose e'er blooming Let all mortal flesh keep silence Love came down at Christmas Christ, who is in the form of God Salvation is created Haleluya |
Comfort, comfort, O my people The angel Gabriel from heaven came Tota pulchra es O magnum mysterium What Child is this Jesu dulcis memoria O Love, how deep, how broad, how high! O, how shall I receive thee O Holy Spirit, Root of life |

Touched by Grace
Lord of the worlds above Coelos ascendit hodie Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden Where is this stupendous stranger Beati quorum The Reproaches In Remembrance (from Requiem) Wake Me Up, Lord Leaning on the everlasting arms |
Psalm 100 Creating God, your fingers trace Where is this stupendous stranger O my dear heart Justorum anima Requiem aeternam I (from Requiem) I want Jesus to walk with me The Storm is Passing Over |

How can I keep from Singing
Hymn: What is this place Hymn: Lord, our Lord, your glorious name Hymn,: Awake, awake, fling off the night Praise the name of God with a song Incarnate God Sicut cervus desiderat aquarum God so loved the world God who keeps watch over you Singet dem Herrn ein Neues Lied Ain'-a that good news! Dancing dancing river |
Locus iste Christ, whose glory fills the skies I will greatly rejoice! Hymn: God of many names Hymn: O let all who thirst Hymn: Gott ist die Liebe Hymn: Now the silence Hymn: Blessed are the persecuted Hymn: My life flows on in endless song Hymn: I cannot dance, O Love Sifuni Mungu The beatitudes Dancing dancing river |

When in our music God is glorified
When in our music God is glorified Heart with loving heart united Beati quorum via God is the dance Heart, hold fast Discipline Jabula Jesu Asikhatali Precious Lord, take my hand River in Judea |
Lobe den Herren Rise up, my love, my fair one Bring us, O Lord God Tomorrow shall be my dancing day Psalm sixty-seven I turn to you Bamthatha Akanamandla Ipharadisi Freedom Come |