In Bali, the Gamelan is traditionally played out of doors. In that spirit, our Spring concert will take place at Waterloo Town Square.
The Spring 2018 Gamelan Concert features traditional and experimental compositions. You will get a taste of the range of moods that can be created from the bronze percussive instruments of Bali, Indonesia. Under the direction of artist-in-residence, Dewa Suparta, on kendang (Balinese drum), the gamelan musicians realize repertoire from the classical Gamelan Semar Pegulingnan style characterized by a delicate and sweet mood, and the majestic Gamelan Gong Gde style arranged for a selection of gong kebyar instruments. A highlight of the concert will be an experimental work composed by the musicians using gamelan instruments and more familiar instruments such as guitar, and violin.

Rain location is the SLC at UWaterloo. Please check this website before the concert.