Balinese Gamelan Ensemble End of Term Concert

Friday, November 24, 2023 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Balinese gamelan (semara dana)  are ensembles of primarily percussive instruments made of bronze and bamboo that may include drums, flutes, strings, and voice.  Taught by our Artist in Residence, I Dewa Made Suparta, the students in this ensemble will present a selection of traditional and modern compositions, all learned without the benefit of sheet music.

After the concert, the audience will be given a chance to play the instruments themselves, so they can see how enthralling the music can be. 

Knox Presbyterian is easily accessible from the UWaterloo campus via the ION train.  Exit at the Caroline station going southbound, or at the Waterloo Town Square station northbound.



Lecture Demo & Gilak Reprise

Gilak Pemungkah



Sekar Jepun

Balinese Gamelan Ensemble in UWaterloo Rock Garden

Balinese Gamelan in Rock Garden