Music by 12 ACWC Composers (Association of Canadian Women Composers). Featured composers are Hildegard Westerkamp, Emily Doolittle, Gayle Young, Carol Ann Weaver, Jana Skarecky, Laura Pettigrew, Diane Berry, Carmen Braden, Joanne Bender, Caroline Bordignon, Katerina Gimon, and Emily Walker. Performers include clarinetist Tilly Kooyman; vocalists Rebecca Campbell, Gord Burnett, Valerie Nunn; Laurier Singers conducted by Lee Willingham; Amaranth player Gayle Young; and many more. The concert will also launch the new book, Sound in the Land – Music and the Environment, stemming from the recent 2014 Sound in Land conference, which also celebrated sounds of the earth. ($15.00)
The Association of Canadian Women composers is "the only professional association of women composers and musicians in Canada. It actively supports music written by Canadian women." The Association attracts leading composers within Canada, and extends its performance base to international stages. The ACWC Chair is Carol Ann Weaver, Professor Emerita of Conrad Grebel/UW.
"Today, more than ever before, we are interested in the welfare of our planet and all beings who dwell therein! As musicians, we are particularly interested in the very sounds of our earth. Tonight’s concert celebrates the earth as splendid, sacred, healing, powerful, and mysteriously magical! Each piece tonight explores different aspects of natural soundscapes stemming from our planet earth. Tonight we also are launching the new book, Sound in the Land – Music and the Environment, stemming from the recent 2014 conference, which also celebrated sounds of the earth." – CAWeaver
The concert is generously supported by ACWC and by Conrad Grebel University College, which is providing the venue and facilities for the concert.