Waterloo’s campus wide open house for applicants and their families
Saturday, March 23, 2024
10 am to 4 pm
Join us on campus for a full-day program that is designed to answer the more detailed questions that you may have now that you’ve applied or been admitted to Waterloo.
>>UWaterloo March Break Open House official website and registration page.
Drop by between 10am - 4pm to the Music Department Booth in the Hagey Hall building (HH). We look forward to answering any of your questions or talking with you about your dreams, goals and/or passions! Talk to a current music student or one of our Profs.
Tours of the Music Department can be arranged by visiting the Music Booth or by coming over to visit Conrad Grebel University College (map) where the Music Department offices, classrooms and performance/practice spaces are. (Just a 4 min walk from the Student Life Centre)