Wednesday, January 25, 2023 12:30 pm
1:30 pm
EST (GMT -05:00)

Jung Tsai, violinist
Jung Tsai, the accomplished 2nd Associate Concertmaster of the KW Symphony, will perform 20th Century violin works accompanied by pianist Anna Ronai. Franz Waxman’s virtuoso violin showpiece will be featured, entitled Carmen Fantasie. Other pieces include a work by eminent Canadian composer Elizabeth Raum, called Les Ombres.
Prokofiev: 5 Melodies for violin and piano.
Bach: chaconne, Partita No.2 for solo violin, BWV1004
Elizabeth Raum: Les Ombres
Waxman: Carmen Fantasie
All Noon Hour Concerts take place in the Conrad Grebel Chapel. There is paid parking onsite or Conrad Grebel is accessible through the ION train or GRT Bus number 12.

Anna Ronai, pianist
We are pleased to announce that Staebler Insurance is sponsoring our noon hour concerts again