Violin Graduation Recital - Thomas Little

Kathryn Ladano, bass clarinet and Richard Burrows, percussion.
This is the final of the "68" Haydn String Quartet concerts. The title refers to the 68 string quartets that Haydn wrote over the course of his life. Each exhibits its own unique characteristics and compositional techniques. The members of the Attacca Quartet have been so captivated by these works that it felt only natural to feature a number of Haydn string quartets as an entire program, as opposed to the usual tradition of hearing only one as a concert opener.
Franz Joseph Haydn
Op 54, No 3
Op 76, No 5
Music and Business student, Laura Janzen (soprano), will perform her final grad recital for Music 428. Come hear some lovely singing; songs by Mozart, Vivaldi, Schubert, Fauré, Copland, Barber, and more.
Reception to follow.
A Concert of the Global Mennonite Peacebuilding Conference and Festival, featuring choirs, gamelan, and an original composition titled “Earth Peace” by Carol Ann Weaver, Professor Emerita of Music.
If you are a Global Mennonite Peace Building Conference participant, your ticket to this event is included with your registration.
4th year Math & Music Jnt Hnrs student, Yixin Wang, performs her final graduation recital, featuring the work of Haydn, Debussy, Morawetz and Schumann.
The UWaterloo Jazz Ensemble is an accomplished group of approximately twenty student musicians. They perform a mix of jazz classics and modern pieces. The director is Michael Wood, well known vibist and jazz director.
The concert lasts approximately 75 minutes, refreshments to follow.