Information Sheet for Instrumental Chamber Ensembles

ICE Information Sheet: Spring 2025

  1. Welcome to Conrad Grebel University College Instrumental Chamber Ensembles.  We are glad to have you join us and hope you realize how valuable you are to this ensemble.  The ensemble you join cannot function without you.  The efforts you put forth will not only benefit you but also the other members of your ensemble.  Audition dates are on May 8 and May 13, all in room 1209 (Ensemble Rehearsal room).  Bring a paper copy of your class schedule with you please. Please make sure to fill out the participant form first and then you will get a link to the audition dates.
  2. Attendance: By joining the ensemble, you are making a commitment to each other. Because rehearsal is really the process of making decisions together as an ensemble, one does not rehearse when missing a member. As such, once we have established a rehearsal schedule at the beginning of the semester for your group, if you must miss a rehearsal, it is up to you to coordinate a different rehearsal time that is suitable for all of the members of the ensemble. 
  3. Placement: You will be placed in an ensemble according to your ability, availability, and the balance needed for your choice of instrument. 
  4. Concerts: The concert for the end of the term is scheduled for:

                                            July 27, 2025 at 7:30pm,
                                             Conrad Grebel Chapel
             there will be a dress rehearsal prior to the concert

  1. Music of considerable value has been loaned to you.  Please take very good care of it.  Use pencil only.  You will be charged full replacement cost for any music defaced or not returned immediately after the final concert.
  2. Rehearsals and Practising:  Each ensemble will receive one hour of coaching per week.  Each ensemble will be expected to rehearse on their own a minimum of one hour per week above and beyond this at a mutually agreeable time.  I encourage you to rehearse more than this as every hour of rehearsal will add to your personal fulfilment and the end result.  In the same vein, players will be expected to practise their own parts. 

ICE group in Great Hall

ICE group in Great Hall