On Friday, October 31, the University of Waterloo Department of Music hosted approximately 300 high school students from 8 different local high schools gathered to sing together in a Choral Day of workshops. This is the second such workshops that ...
The morning workshop included all students in a mass choir led by Professor, Mark Vuorinen held at the Humanities Theatre.
It was wonderfully exciting to have nearly 300 high school students on our campus to sing together! Each of these schools is doing great choral work in instilling a love of singing in their students. It’s a terrific skill that they can use for the rest of their lives! ~Mark Vuorinen
In the afternoon, the students rotated through four different workshops:
- Balinese Gamelan ensemble demonstration and instruction led by Professor Maisie Sum. Students had an opportunity to try out the various instruments.
- Vocal techniques session focusing on breathing and resonance led by Voice Instructor Stephanie Kramer.
- Student performers in voice and piano, also relating their experiences as a student.
- Student Life at the University of Waterloo, Conrad Grebel Residence and the Music Program.
Thanks to the following high schools that participated in this great day of singing: Eastwood, GRCI, KCI, SJAM, WCI, Preston, Bluevale and Glenview.
This event was hosted by the University of Waterloo Department of Music at Conrad Grebel University College.