The Nov 21 Thinking Spaces meeting will occur 8-10pm (EST). We will continue our theme of 'Improvisation and Community Music Making' by exploring the topic 'Improvisational Methods and Choral Communities.' We will be joined by Christine Duncan (vocal improviser and conductor of the Element Choir), Dr. Gerard Yun (improviser, choral conductor at Conrad Grebel University College/University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University, and Artistic Director of the East-West concert series at the University of Waterloo), and Gary Diggins (improviser, and co-director of the Sotto Voce vocal workshops). For a portion of the session, via Skype, we will be joined by Kathy Kennedy (improvising vocalist, director of Choeur Maha and global HMMM events).
More on Christine Duncan, Dr. Gerard Yun, Gary Diggins, and Kathy Kennedy.
Anyone who would like to prepare for the discussion can peruse the websites above and/or explore the discussion thread.
The group is free and open to all. Check out the livestream by going to and searching "Thinking Spaces" or follow the link.