Spring 2024 University Choir Information Sheet

Choir sign

The University of Waterloo Choir
Spring Term 2024
Conrad Grebel University College
Director: Liska Jetchick
Spring 2024

The University of Waterloo Choir invites all students, faculty, staff, and community members to sing with us. This choir performs a variety of repertoire across a broad range of stylistic periods, genres, and cultures. A Vocal Interview is required for admission to the choir. Please go to the link listed under “Vocal Interviews” to schedule an interview and follow the steps. Composers this term will include: Pearsall, Walker, Gjeilo, Runestad, and Vasks.

A Word from the Conductor
I truly believe that to sing in a choir is a unique and powerful experience. It is a place where everyone is welcome, just as they are; where body and soul are the instrument; where music is used as a conduit for the exploration of universal themes of humanity and in the discovery of new cultures and ideas. The University Choir strives to provide an environment where all have opportunities to learn, create, connect, and become the most musical version of themselves. These beliefs are central to my approach to choral music. I am grateful for the privilege of making music with the University Choir and am eager to meet this term’s choir!
~Liska Jetchick

Vocal Interviews: Tuesday, May 7thth, 2024: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
(In the Chapel) Thursday, May 9th, 2024: 6:00pm – 10:00pm
Everyone must:
Step 1: Fill out the Ensemble Participant Form online.
Step 2: Read the Choir Member Ensemble Information Sheet (this sheet). Step 3: Sign up for an Interview (new members – link sent upon receipt of Participant Form)
Vocal Hearings
Anybody interested in participating in the choir is required to do a vocal hearing/audition, regardless of whether they have previously participated in the University Choir. The purpose of this is to help the conductor get a sense of your voice and/or how it is continuing to develop.
• If you sang in the University Choir during the Fall 2023 or Winter 2024 terms, please contact Liska on or before May 5th for a quartet group and piece of music. If registering after May 5th, please contact Angelica Allen directly, sign up for an individual audition slot, and prepare The Sally Garden.
• For anybody who has not participated ever, or in recent terms, you will need to sign up for an individual slot after filling out your Ensemble Participant form. You are asked to please learn : TheSally Garden
• Everyone can additionally expect to do: a range check (where is it most comfortable for you to sing),a note sing-back (notes are played and then you sing them back), and some sight-singing.
If you have questions, please contact Angelica Allen at (519) 885-0220 x24256 or by email: a26allen@uwaterloo.ca.

Registration for Credit
If you are a student singing in the University Choir and wanting a half-credit for the course, you must register for an ensemble on your course schedule through Quest (Choose Music 116 if this is your first time registering for any ensemble credit). This can be added on top of a regular 2.5 credit load without an advisor’s override.

The University Choir is scheduled to rehearse from 7:00pm – 9:50pm on Tuesday nights (with a scheduled break about halfway through).

1. First Rehearsal:Tuesday, May 14th, 2024; 7:00pm in the Grebel Chapel
2. Extended Rehearsal: Tuesday, May 21st, 2024; 6:00pm – 9:50pm
3. Retreat:Saturday, June 15th, 2024; 3:00pm – 10:00pm
4. Dress Rehearsals:Thursday, July 18th, 2024; 5:30pm – 9:30pm (at Grebel – room tbd)
Friday, July 19th, 2024; 6:30pm – 9:30pm (at the church)
5. Concert Date:Saturday, July 20th, 2024; 7:30pm (call time: 5:30pm)
Location: St. John the Evangelist – 23 Water St N, Kitchener, ON
Tickets: $10 general admission; $5 students
Concert Attire: solid black dress top (minimum ¾ length sleeve), black bottoms (full length); black shoes

Attendance Policy for UW Choir:
A. Attendance is required at all rehearsals whether you are taking the course for credit or not. Please contact the director, Liska Jetchick, by email: ljetchic@uwaterloo.ca, and your section leader if you need to miss rehearsal.
B. You are allowed one (1) excused absence without jeopardy to your credit. If singers must be absent more than once due to illness, they are expected to contact Liska to make an appointment for a vocal check-in.
C. For students who require special accommodations due to significant illness or extenuating circumstances, please see this site. (Includes Verification of Ilness Form [VIF], Self-Declaration,Religious observances, etc.)
D. All singers must be present for both dress rehearsals and the final concert. In the event of a virtual concert, singers must submit all recordings. Non-credit members are subject to the same attendance requirements.

Music Fee
All singers are required to pay a $30 music fee and singers can keep the music at the end of the term.
Participation Fee
In addition to the music fee, there is a participation fee for all those not taking the course for credit to help out with the running of the choir. It is $30 for students and $60 for community members. That said, if ever a fee is problematic, please contact Liska directly as finances should never act as a barrier to participation.
Piazza will continue to be the primary method of communication for this course. Following a successful vocal hearing and prior to the first rehearsal you should receive an email invitation. Please email me directly if you have not received an email from Piazza by Sunday evening, May 12th, 2024.

Rehearsals and choral activities will run in accordance with university policy and public health guidelines
throughout the term. Additional safety protocols may also be in place and could change at any point in the term. These could include, but are not limited to:
•wearing masks and/or physically distancing•shortening rehearsal times or rehearsing in smaller cohorts, as necessary•completing a rapid test for COVID prior to attending rehearsals or performances.
The Public Health situation will be monitored on a week-by-week basis and rehearsal plans, protocols and scheduling may be adapted as necessary