1A Couse Selection - Winter 2021

students sitting outside

Welcome to the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo!

For students beginning their studies at Waterloo in Winter 2021, you should choose the following courses in Quest. You can also use this tip sheet to guide you through the Quest process.

You should choose:

  1. MATH 135
  2. MATH 137
  3. CS 115 or CS 135.
    • CS 115 is the first course in programming for students with little or no programming experience. It covers most of the material from the first eight weeks of CS 135.
    • CS 135 is the most commonly taken first computer science course for computer science majors. It has been designed to provide challenges for students with prior programming experience while remaining accessible to those who lack such experience. It uses the programming language Racket, which allows students to focus on fundamental concepts of computer science and their relationship to mathematics while laying foundations for future study in the field.
  4. List 1 communications course
    • You have a choice of EMLS 101R, EMLS 102R, ENGL 109, SPCOM 100 and SPCOM 223 for Winter 2021.
  5. A non-math elective course of your choosing
    • You can find suggestions of non-math courses for Winter 2021 in the tab called 'Winter 2021'. 
  6. MTHEL 199. This is a first-year readiness course that will begin on November 23 and will be a four-week course. It is strongly recommended that you take this 0.25 unit. 
  • Your co-op sequence (if applicable) will be predetermined for you.