Helping people see
The School of Optometry and Vision Science, University of Waterloo, provides the only English optometric training in Canada leading to an accredited Doctor of Optometry degree. The school also provides a graduate program in Vision Science and Optometry. Extensive clinic programs support practical experience for students and health services for the public. Read more about the School of Optometry...
Faster, better lab testing
Award-winning Waterloo-Hong Kong startup Eyenova Biotech aims to improve early-stage eye drug testing by creating an ‘eye on a chip’.
Partnering for FAIR data
The University of Waterloo is working with the Southern Chiefs’ Organization and Manitoba Association of Optometrists to co-develop data governance policies for eye data.
A vision to educate more optometrists
Mount Royal University and University of Waterloo are taking the first steps toward establishing a school of optometry in Alberta.
Vision Science Research Seminar: When the eyes feel dry
Vision Science Research Seminar presented by Dr. Ping Situ.