Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Michael Kreuzer

Optometrist ambitiously opens practice fresh off of graduating, focusing on community outreach and mentorship.

By: Andrew Winarski, Co-op Student, Advancement 

Dr. Michael Kreuzer

Before joining the School of Optometry & Vision Science, Dr. Michael Kreuzer (OD ‘17) was not sure about the path he wanted to take in life with his academic journey and eventual career. Working several jobs, including being a clinical trial coordinator at the University of Alberta and roles within the Government of Alberta, Michael would come to develop experience and skills he thought would benefit in becoming an optometrist. This decision led him to enroll at the University of Waterloo to begin his future in a career in vision science.  

Michael’s time at Waterloo would prove to be an excellent choice for him. Through his experience at the School of Optometry, Michael found that one of the best parts of attending the School was the connections he made along the way. With a close-knit circle of colleagues and friends that continue to this day, these connections became a great means of support in helping Michael in achieving what he set out to accomplish.  

After graduating in 2017, Dr. Kreuzer decided to open his own practice. This decision enabled Dr. Kreuzer to be in a position where he could provide great patient care and have some creativity in operating his office. Dr. Kreuzer opened his practice in the center of Edmonton, Alberta, where he continues to work today. In this young, diverse, growing city, he feels that Edmonton allows him to focus on his values and provide optometry services to a variety of demographics in a way that is supportive and inclusive.  

Dr. Kreuzer belief is that specialty clinics are extremely important in today’s world of optical care. It is important for clinics to occupy specific niches due to the many atypical cases in the field. Not only does offering distinct services help support the community but can also generate referral networks between optometrists, creating a lot of support within the profession.  

Dr. Kreuzer has also been involved in many community outreach projects throughout his time operating his own clinic, as he feels it is a rewarding endeavor to be a part of. Giving back to his community in multiple ways, these initiatives include supporting GoodVision, an organization that helps provide people with glasses and other basic eye care for those who cannot afford them. He also participates in different fundraisers, organizations, and other ways to support the community he operates in. 

Within his practice, Dr. Kreuzer is not only focusing on community outreach and ensuring inclusive patient care, but in mentoring students. Being a student mentor is one of his favourite aspects of his career. Dr. Kreuzer opens his practice up for optometry students to participate in mentorship and business development opportunities, so that he can pass on his knowledge and values. 

One of the most important pieces of advice Dr. Kreuzer can give students is knowing where you see yourself in the future is important in realizing your goals and finding the best possible career opportunities. Knowing whether you want to start your own practice, work at a series of small offices, or other potential career paths. It is important to overcome the first initial challenges that one will experience postgraduation.  

“It is important to find your niche in this field and tailor that niche to the community you practice in, not only to stand out but to help your community,” says Dr. Kreuzer. "If you wish to start your own practice, you should strive for that goal without holding yourself back. You should never undervalue your own skills or feel discouraged because of the potential challenges and barriers you may face. You should take opportunities you find, have confidence, and pursue your goals.” 

If you would like to reach out to Dr. Kreuzer for mentoring or have any other questions, you can connect with him at: