Alumni in Action
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Alumni in Action News: View All
- Graduate program alumnus wins Pearson Medal in recognition of novel research
- Pharmacy professor, alumnus and student recognized with Ontario Pharmacists Association Awards
- Alumnus Daniel Pereira provides leadership for regional vaccination clinics
- Alumni team vaccinates people with developmental disabilities in COVID-19 vaccine pop up clinic
- One year of COVID-19 in England: Alum Fatimah Jaffer shares experiences
- Pharmacy alumni and students support COVID-19 vaccination pilot in downtown Toronto pharmacies
- Alumnus Vincent Vuong shares COVID challenges in busy GTA hospital
- Pharmacy alumnus and students from Ottawa hospital help vaccination effort in long-term care homes
- Alumnus Pauline Bal talks one year of fighting COVID in Ontario hospitals
- Alumni share experiences offering asymptomatic COVID-19 testing in Alberta
- Alumni at busy GTA hospital share COVID-19 challenges
- COVID-19 across the pond: Alumnus Fatimah Jaffer talks being a hospital pharmacist in England during the pandemic
- UW alumnus and pharmacist shares COVID-19 insights
- Pharmacy alumni in Simcoe area talk pandemic and community practice
- Alum Gaganpal Mutti talks inpatient and outpatient care at a Toronto hospital
- Alum Brad Murphy talks volunteering in long-term care during COVID-19
- Pharmacy alumni and grad student provides patient care in rural Uganda