Society of Pharmacy Students

SOPHS - Society of Pharmacy Students
SOPhS - Society of Pharmacy Students

The Society of Pharmacy Students (SOPhS) is committed to enriching the lives of its members, and unifying pharmacy students’ voices in addressing issues on university-wide, local and national levels.

Moreover, SOPhS prides itself in providing students with social, athletic and educational events aimed at enriching the students’ non-academic lives. SOPhS will facilitate student involvement within the surrounding community, thereby promoting the profession of pharmacy. Through it all, SOPhS will act with the highest codes of ethics and professionalism, and therefore lead the students by example.


SOPhS positions range from a 1-3 year term. Elections take place at different times throughout the year. First-year representative positions are a 1-year term, Director positions are a 1-year term, and Committee positions are a 2-year term. The months below indicate when elections/call for applications take place.

  1. 2024
    1. January - February

      First-Year Representatives (Class Representative, Social, Athletics)

    2. May - June

      Director Positions (Marketing, Graduation, Recruitment)

  1. 2024
    1. July - August

      Committee Positions

    2. September

      All other SOPhS Positions


SOPhS hosts athletic, social, and educational events for pharmacy students throughout the year. There are also many pharmacy-related clubs under SOPhS or WUSA (Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association) that range from a wide variety of topics!

Provincial/National Advocacy Groups

  • UW Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI)
  • UW Ontario Pharmacists Association (OPA)
  • UW Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)

Pharmacy Interest Groups

  • UW Paediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG)
  • UW Compounding Club
  • UW Drug Info Club
  • UW Mental Health in Pharmacy (MHIP)
  • UW Oncology Pharmacy Interest Group (OPhIG)
  • UW Geriatric Pharmacy Club

Awareness/Education Clubs

  • Community Action Now (CAN)
  • Pharmacy Peer Relief Network (RxPRN)
  • Pharmacy Journal Club
  • Technology in Pharmacy (TIP)
  • White Coat Collaboration
  • Science to Business Network (S2BN)

Other Clubs

  • Yearbook Committee
  • UW OSCE Preparation Club

Pharmacy Phile

Pharmacy Phile is SOPhS's bimonthly newsletter containing articles and updates from the SOPhS Council and pharmacy clubs. Individual students are also encouraged to submit opinion pieces, work experiences, or articles on current hot topics. The newsletter also rotates between featuring a Faculty Spotlights for students to get to know their faculty better, and a Co-op Spotlight to gain insight on unique co-op positions and experiences. The newest addition to the PharmacyPhile is a section on Patient Care Rotations, where fourth-year students reflect on the lessons learned during their 6 months of rotations. Pharmacy Phile is SOPhS's bimonthly newsletter that arrives directly to the students inbox

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