Anthony Amadio is a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Kelowna General Hospital in British Columbia where he specializes in critical care, conducts research, and teaches.
Balancing his work as a researcher and a hospital pharmacist is no easy feat, but the results of his efforts examining clinical trials and critically appraising studies are instructive.
“Research projects can be extremely time-consuming and there is always the potential for challenges – that can lead you to pull some hair out during the process,” Anthony explains. “That being said, I find it very rewarding even if your project doesn’t produce the results you were initially hoping for.”
Working in critical care in a hospital also requires Anthony to be flexible.
“Things tend to change minute to minute in these patients. They require constant evaluation of therapy and reassessment. The broad scope of the patients makes it quite challenging – we see trauma, surgical and all types of medical patients.”
The Pharmacists Support series is issued by the School of Pharmacy for #PAM2017. It runs every Tuesday and Thursday in March.