Tuesday, February 28, 2017

March is Pharmacist Awareness Month

Did you know that you can get a travel vaccine from your pharmacist? As of 2016, Ontario pharmacists can give over 10 types of vaccines to their patients.  

It’s appropriate, then, the theme of Pharmacist Awareness Month 2017 is “Pharmacists: Doing More. For You.” To celebrate, the University of Waterloo School of Pharmacy is launching Pharmacists Support.

Pharmacists Support will run every Tuesday and Thursday in our news feed, showcasing the many ways in which pharmacists do more than put pills in bottles and explain your medications. The series will share snapshots of our alumni working across the country and in all aspects of pharmacy practice.

As the newest pharmacy School in Canada, we’re proud to see our alumni joining the ranks of the over 42,000 pharmacists who practice across the country.