School announces Graduate Program Awards winners

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Some of Canada’s finest research on molecular drug design, Alzheimer’s, and cancer happens right here, in the University of Waterloo’s School of Pharmacy. To celebrate the achievements of our MSc and PhD student researchers, the School offers annual Graduate Program Awards each December. This year, we also introduced a new faculty award for excellence in mentorship.

We would like to extend our congratulations to all of the following award recipients.

Graduate Student Awards

Best Mentor as a Graduate Student Teaching Assistant 

Samantha Shortall (PhD candidate, Wettig group)

Always dedicated and dependable, Samantha is also proactive and encouraging. She built a great rapport with students, going above and beyond to support students in all pre-lab talks.

Lokesh Narsineni (PhD candidate, Foldvari group)

Lokesh has shown consistent professionalism and reliability, ensuring that students receive all the support they need, always available to offer extra help to students and faculty alike.

Special Mentions

Amirreza Rafiee (Foldvari research team)

Shahid Islam (Wettig research team)

Special Merit Award for Substantial Impact on our Overall Research Mission

Tarek Mohamed (PhD candidate, Nekkar group)

Tarek’s is dedicated to supporting the growth of the graduate program. As an active member of the Graduate Studies and Research Committee and the School Council, Tarek provides valuable input on program decision-making. He also spearheaded initiatives and events that support students and research activities.

Highest Final Grade in the course Topics in Drug Development

Shahid Islam MSc candidate, Wettig group)

This core course is required for all grad students, covering all aspects of drug development, from basic research through to post-marketing surveillance of drug safety and efficacy. Shahid earned a final grade of 96.5 per cent.

Best Student Presentation in the Research Seminar Series

Anil Maharaj (PhD candidate, Edginton group)

Anil focuses on physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models to aid in pediatric drug development. He presented on mechanistic oral absorption modeling. Anil is currently working at the University of Bath; Andrea Edginton accepted the award on his behalf. 

Faculty Award

Outstanding Faculty Mentor in the Graduate Program

Assistant Professor Michael Beazely

Nominations for Dr. Beazely provided clear examples of mentorship befitting this award. Students commented on how he fosters leadership qualities among his research group and creates a trusting environment where students are not afraid to fail.