Your seat on a board
The Women in Pharmacy Leadership Program presents: ‘How serving on a board can elevate your career’
The Waterloo School of Pharmacy’s Women in Pharmacy Leadership (WIPL) program curated an event on why you should consider serving on a board. Board governance can seem intimidating but knowing how to navigate this landscape will advance your career, provide networking opportunities and contribute to your personal and professional growth.
Opening remarks from Hallman Director Andrea Edginton spoke to the intimidation and importance of board governance.
People serving on a board are not superhumans, they are sitting at tables providing their viewpoint. It takes a little bit of courage to sit at the table, a little bit more courage to be brave and just a little bit more to be heard. Aspire to learn and sit at those tables to make a difference.
Jane Hennig, executive director of Volunteer Waterloo Region, led a conversation about leadership and governance within the charitable and nonprofit sector. She shared her 40 years of experience on various local, provincial, and national boards of directors. How to join a board, board foundation training and legal responsibilities were discussed to help alleviate some common fears of serving on a board.
“It was serving on a board and the connections I made that helped me understand that I had the capacity to become a leader in whatever field I wanted,” says Henning.
Throughout the event participants were encouraged to ask their questions, which participants took advantage of. An engaging and insightful Q&A wrapped up the session.
“It’s about doing the best you can for the organization you’re passionate about,” says Henning.
For more WIPL events visit our Events Page. If you’re looking to join our WIPL Alumni Program visit our Mentorship Page to apply. We are currently seeking mentors and mentees for our 2024 cohort.