Local high school student receives the highest score in the world on SIN exam
Zander Li receives the highest score in the world on the SIN exam
Zander Li receives the highest score in the world on the SIN exam
Dr. Rajibul Islam named an APS Fellow
Everett Patterson has been awarded the 2024 Boris P. Stoicheff Memorial Graduate Scholarship.
Waterloo's Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland received top honours from Canada and France last week in Ottawa for her contributions to science. She was appointed the Companion of the Order of Canada medal and named a Knight of the Legion of Honour.
The Ambassador of France to Canada, Mr. Michel Miraillet presented Strickland with the insignia of Knight of the Legion of Honour at the French Embassy. It is France's highest honour and was established in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte. It rewards outstanding merit acquired in the service of France.
by Kelsey Stoddart
Four Waterloo scientists from three departments are in the top 1% of citations for their field of study and publication based on Clarivate Analytics' Highly Cited Researchers 2022 list.
Quantum superposition is not just a property of subatomic particles but also of the most massive objects in the universe. That is the conclusion of four theoretical physicists in Australia and Canada who calculated the hypothetical response of a particle detector placed some distance from a black hole.
A team of researchers at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) have found a new tunable pathway to manipulate nanoscale magnetic structures known as skyrmions.
Their results advance efforts to access different configurations of these structures and increase their stability for magnetic memory applications, such as using these structures as new types of bits in classical or quantum computers.
Congratulations to Megan Byres who has been chosen as the recipient of the 2022 Raymond Laflamme and Janice Gregson Graduate Scholarship for Women in Quantum Information Science.