Business Operations
Central Plant
This is the epicenter of the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and building automation systems. This 24/7 essential service supports a wide range of UW buildings from sophisticated science and engineering research labs, math and computer labs, classrooms, offices, and athletic sports arenas.
Planning, Design and Construction Services
This programfocuses on optimizing existing systems to maintain high function of operations supporting building user comfort, research needs, as well as conservation of energy. The team works closely with Sustainability office helping to achieve UW aspirational shift: carbon neutral goals.
Environmental Services
Custodial Services - responsible to maintain hygiene, cleanliness and attractiveness of all interior areas of the campus academic and administrative buildings. Restoration or disaster recovery as it relates to floods/fires/leaks, trauma response and preservation of artifacts is included.
Waste Management - Plant Operations in committed to a zero-waste approach in the management of garbage, recycling and organic waste across the UW campus in support of carbon neutral sustainability goals.
Grounds Services
Grounds establishes and promotes best management and sustainable practices for horticulture and grounds inclusive of naturalized areas, water courses or features, playing fields and winter maintenance with the overarching goal of minimizing deterioration to infrastructure and the environment without compromising safety.
Infrastructure, Maintenance & Utilities
This team comprised of highly skilled mechanical, electrical, HVAC and building automation trades support uninterrupted electrical, mechanical, HVAC, BAS and utilities to all UW campuses. Due to the age of our infrastructure, many of the systems are vulnerable to failures, and this team works diligently to support a safe and accessible educational environment.
Sustainable Transportation
Parking & Transportation Services is responsible for the issue and monitoring of parking permits on campus, parking citations, bicycle racks, event planning/parking and participating in weather related emergency decisions. Services include maintaining lot access (e.g. mobile payment meters) and accessibility to campus parking lots and provision of electric vehicle charging stations for faculty, staff and visitors.
Vehicle Shop
Vehicle Mechanical Services ensures a working fleet of vehicles, for the business purposes of plant operations, faculties and other ancillaries, that are inspected annually and or repaired as required to ensure safety.